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Live CD - une façon de choisir votre distribution

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
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Un Live CD vous permet de tester la dernière version stable de KDE SC et des ses applications sans avoir à installer Linux sur votre système ou sans changer votre installation Linux actuelle. Ces distributions démarrent et fonctionnent à partir d'un CD et ne modifient pas le contenu de vos disques durs. Ils peuvent donc être essayés sur un ordinateur avec Windows sans aucun risque. Tous les CD listés ci-dessous peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement.

KDE Neon

KDE Neon is a KDE project that provides the latest versions of KDE software on top of the latest LTS version of Ubuntu. There are two versions of KDE Neon: the User Edition that comes with the latest released versions of KDE software, and the Developer Edition based on pre-release versions. With the Developer edition you have the choice between using the stable or the unstable branch.

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LiveCD Kubuntu

A live CD version of Kubuntu. Kubuntu is a community distribution based on Ubuntu.

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openSUSE no longer offers a live cd of its regular distribution. However, there are live cd's based on the regular distributions but giving you the very latest development versions of KDE software:

openSUSE Argon is based on openSuse Leap (the stable distribution) while openSuse Krypton is based on openSUSE Tumbleweed (the rolling distribution).



Une distribution rapide ciblant les utilisateurs qui veulent les dernières et meilleures nouveautés disponibles dans le monde des logiciels libres. Fedora KDE possède généralement la dernière version stable de KDE dans les dépôts, et les versions beta sont habituellement disponibles via des dépots supplémentaires.

Page de téléchargement de Fedora (en) Page de téléchargement (fr)

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and Debian and is aimed at beginners. There are versions of Linux Mint for several desktop environments. Be sure to get the KDE version of the Linux Mint Live CD.

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Originally based on Arch Linux, Chakra is focused solely on KDE workspaces. It is possible to install third party applications, as well.



Mageia est une distribution basée sur la communauté. C'est une branche dérivée de Mandriva.

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Netrunner is based on Kubuntu with it main focus on KDE, and aims to be complete operating system for both beginners and experts.



KaOS is a "rolling release" distribution focused on KDE.

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Sabayon is a "rolling release" distribution, meaning that you install once and have your system upgraded as new versions of installed software is added to the distribution. Perhaps not the easiest distribution for users new to Linux.

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Korora aims to be easy for new users, but still useful for experts. It is a community project based on Fedora.

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Basé sur Mandrake (connu maintenant sous le nom de Mandriva).

Page d'accueil (en)


An Indian project, SuperX is based on Ubuntu. From the project site: SuperX uses a tweaked version of KDE and is aimed towards beginners, casual users and business looking for a well supported user-friendly Linux OS.



ROSA, a Russian company, offers their enterprise solution ROSA Marathon 2012 for download. The new ROSA Desktop.Fresh edition is aimed at regular desktop users.

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== Slax - Live CD ==

Based on Slackware. With modular structure and pseudo read-write CD filesystem. Slax can be run from a USB Flash Drive. Slax has no graphical installer; if you want to install Slax on your machine, you must follow the simple instructions in the Introduction document.



KXStudio has a focus on audio and video production. Currently, it is based on Ubuntu and has KDE as its officially supported desktop.


Pisi Linux

Pisi Linux is Turkish project building on the original Pardus project. Pisi Linux is a community project.

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OpenMandriva Lx

OpenMandriva Lx aims to be easy to get started with but also cater to the advanced user. OpenMandriva is a community project.



Designed to run from a USB flash drive, Porteus is small and fast. Porteus is a community project based on Slackware.



Another KDE-only distribution based on Debian.

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De nouveaux Live CD et Live DVD sont disponibles tout le temps. Si vous entendez parler d'une nouvelle distribution et que vous avez envie de la tester, faites une recherche sur Internet. Vous trouverez certainement un Live CD de disponible.

Pardus Live

Pardus is a Turkish distribution based on Debian. Previously Pardus was a well regarded KDE-based distribution, but the project has been dormant for more than a year. The new version published late last year (2012) seems to depart significantly from previous versions. Currently it is only available in Turkish.

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