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Tutorials/Using Other Window Managers with Plasma

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Revision as of 21:52, 26 December 2018 by Ognarb (talk | contribs) (fix typographie)

Under Construction

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KWin is the default window manager (WM) in Plasma and has lot of features, but only support floating windows. If you want to use tilling windows with a keyboard focused experience you need to use i3 (or another tilling window manager).


Before starting the configuration, you should make sure i3 or i3-gaps are installed on your system. If not use your packet manager or Discover to install one of this two packages. You should also install a compositor, because unlike KWin, i3 don't ship with an integrated compositor. I recommend the use of compton.

I3 configuration

Create a default i3 configuration


If you already have an i3 configuration file (usually at .i3/config or .config/i3/config), you can skip this step.

Open a console and type i3-config-wizard. This command open a small windows that will help you create a configuration file.

Configure i3 to work with Plasma