Kdenlive/Manual/Effekter og overgange
Alfabetisk liste over effekter og overgange
Please note: The effects and compositions included will differ depending on the available plug-ins on the specific packaging on each operating system. Kdenlive will auto-detect and make available any supported LADSPA plug-in packages from your distribution. For the greatest compatibility, please use the AppImage version of Kdenlive.
Effektens eller overgangens navn | Type | Kategori | |
3 Point Balance | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Balances colors along with 3 points (frei0r.three_point_balance) |
3D FFT Denoiser | Video Effect | Grain and Noise | Denoise frames using 3D FFT (Frequency Domain Filtering) (avfilter.fftdnoiz) |
3-level Threshold | Video Effect | Stylize | Dynamic 3-level thresholding (frei0r.threelay0r)
4 x 4 pole allpass | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Acontrast | Audio Effect | Audio | Simple audio dynamic range compression/expansion filter. |
Acrusher | Audio Effect | Audio | Reduce audio bit resolution (avfilter.acrusher) |
Acue | Audio Effect | Audio | Delay filtering to match a cue. (avfilter.acue)
addition | Overgang | -
| |
addition_alpha | Overgang | - | |
Addroi | Compositions | - | Add region of interest to frame. (avfilter.addroi) |
Adeclick | Audio Effect | Audio | Remove impulsive noise from input audio. (avfilter.adeclick) |
Adenorm | Audio Effect | Audio | Remedy denormals by adding extremely low-level noise. (afilter.adenorm) |
Aderivative | Audio Effect | Audio | Compute derivative of input audio. (avfilter.aderivative) |
Aexciter | Audio Effect | Audio | Enhance high frequency part of audio. (avfilter.aexciter) |
Afftdn | Audio Effect | Audio | Denoise audio samples using FFT (avfilter.afftdn) |
Afreqshift | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply frequency shifting to input audio. (avfilter.afreqshift) |
Aintergral | Audio Effect | Audio | Compute integral of input audio. (avfilter.aintegral)
Aliasing | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Alimiter | Audio Effect | Audio | Audio lookahead limiter. (avfilter.alimiter) |
Allpass | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a two-pole all-pass filter. (avfilter.allpass)
Allpass delay line cubic spline interpolation | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Allpass delay line linear interpolation | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Allpass delay line noninterpolating | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Aloop | Audio Effect | Audio | Loop audio samples. (avfilter.aloop)
Alpha gradient | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation
| |
Alfahandlinger | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation
| |
Alfaformer | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation
| |
alphaatop | Overgang | -
| |
alphain | Overgang | -
| |
alphaout | Overgang | -
| |
alphaover | Overgang | -
| |
alphaxor | Overgang | -
| |
AM pitchshifter | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Anlmdn | Audio Effect | Audio | Reduce broadband noise from stream using Non-Local Means. (avfilter.anlmdn) |
Aphaser | Audio Effect | Audio | Add a phasing effect to the audio. (avfilter.aphaser) |
Aphaseshift | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply phase shifting to input audio. (avfilter.aphaseshift)
Apply LUT | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion | |
Apulsator | Audio Effect | Audio | Audio Pulsator. (avfilter.apulsator) |
Arndn | Audio Effect | Audio | Reduce noise from speech using recurrent Neural Networks. (avfilter.arnndn)
Artificial latency | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Asidedata | Audio Effect | Audio | Manipulate audio frame side data. (avfilter.asidedata) |
Asoftclip | Audio Effect | Audio | Audio soft clipper. (avfilter.asoftclip) |
Asubboost | Audio Effect | Audio | Show time domain statistics about audio frames (avfilter.astats) |
Astats | Audio Effect | Audio | Boost subwoofer frequencies. (avfilter.asubboost) |
Asubcut | Audio Effect | Audio | Cut subwoofer frequencies. (avfilter.asubcut) |
Asupercut | Audio Effect | Audio | Cut super frequencies. (avfilter.asupercut) |
Asuperpass | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply high order butterworth band-pass filter. (avfilter.asuperpass) |
Asuperstop | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply high order Butterworth bad-stop filter. (avfilter.asuperstop)
Audio Divider (Suboctave Generator) | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Audio Equalizer (avfilter) | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply two-pole peaking equalization (EQ) filter (avfilter.equalizer)
Audio Levels | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Audio Pan | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Audio Spectrum Filter | Videoeffekt | Analyse og data
| |
Audio Wave | Videoeffekt | Analyse og data | |
Audio Waveform Filter | Audio Effect | Audio | An audio visualization filter that draws an audio waveform on the image. (audiowaveform) |
Audiomap | Audio Effect | Audio | audiomap (audiomap)
Automatisk maskering | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
Auto phaser | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Average Blur | Video Effects | Blur and Sharpen | Apply average blur filter. (avfilter.avgblur)
Balance | Lydeffekt | Lydkanaler | |
Bandreject | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter. (avfilter.bandreject) |
Audiomap | Audio Effect | Audio | audiomap (audiomap) |
Balance | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Extracts Blue from Image (frei0r.B)
Barry's Satan Maximiser | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Bass | Audio Effect | Audio | Boost or cut lower frequencies (avfilter.bass)
Bézier-kurver | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion | |
Bilateral | Video Effect | Misc | Apply Bilateral filter. (avfilter.bilateral)
Binarize | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Binarize Dynamically | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk | |
Biquad | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients. (avftiler.biquad)
Slør | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
Bode frequency shifter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Bode frequency shifter (CV) | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Bokssløring | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
Bokssløring | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Lysstyrke | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion
| |
Lysstyrke (keyframebar) | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion
| |
burn | Overgang | - | |
BurningTV – Deprecated]] | Video Effect | Deprecated | burningtv |
Bw0r | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Turns image Black/White (Frei0r.bw0r)
Cairo Affine Blend | Overgang | -
| |
Cairo Blend | Overgang | -
| |
cairogradient | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
cairoimagegrid | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Tegnefilm | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk | |
Cartoon | Video Effect | Misc | Contrast Adaptive Sharpen. (avfilter.cas)
Kul | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Chebyshev distortion | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Chroma hold | Videoeffekt | Farve | |
Chroma Hold | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Removes all color information for all colors except for a certain one. (avfilter.chromahold)
Chroma-key (formerly Blue Screen) | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation
| |
Chroma Shift | Video Effect | Stylize | Shift chroma pixels horizontally and/or vertically. (avfilter.chromashift) |
Chromanr | Video Effect | Misc | Reduce chrominance noise. (avfilter.chromanr) |
Ciescope | Video Effect | Utility | Video CIE scope (avfilter.ciescope) |
CMYK adjust (avfilter) | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Apply CMYK correction to specific color ranges (avfilter.selectivecolor) |
Color balance | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Modify indensity of primary colors (red, green and blue) of input frames. (avfilter.colorbalance) |
Color Channel Mixer | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Modifies a color channel by adding the vlues associated to the other channels of the same pixels. (avfilter.colorchannelmixer)
Farveafstand | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Farveeffekt | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Color Hold | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Remove all color information all RGB colors except for certain one. (avfilter.colorhold)
Farvevalg | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation
| |
color_only | Overgang | - | |
Colorcontrast | Video Effect | Stylize | Calculates the disstance between the selected color and the current pixel and uses that value as a new pixel value 9frei0r.colordistance) |
Colorcorrect | Video Effect | Stylize | Applies a pre-made color effect to image (frei0r.colortap)
Colorize | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
colorlevels | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
colormatrix | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Colortemperature | Video Effect | Misc | Adjust color temperature of video. (avfilter.colortemperature)
Comb delay line cubic spline interpolation | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Comb delay line linear interpolation | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Comb delay line noninterpolating | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Comb Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Comb Splitter | Audio Effect | Steve Harris’ SWH plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa 1411) |
Compand | Audio Effect | Audio | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.1430) |
Compensationdelay | Audio Effect | Audio | Audio Compensation Delay Line. (avfilter.compensationdelay)
Sammensat | Overgang | -
| |
Composite and transform | Overgang | -
| |
Constant Signal Generator | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Kontrast | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
Copy Channels | Lydeffekt | Lydkanaler
| |
Hjørner | Videoeffekt | Forvræng | |
Crop by padding | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | This filter crops the image to a rounded rectangle or cirlce by padding it in with a color. (qtcrop)
Crop Scale and Tilt | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér
| |
Crossfade | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Crossfade (4 outs) | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Crossfeed | Audio Effect | Steve Harris’ SWH plugins | Apply headphone crossfeed filter. (avfilter.crossfeed)
Crossover distortion | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Crystalizer | Audio Effect | Audio | Simple audio noise sharpening filter. (avfilter.crystalizer)
Kurver | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion
| |
Dance | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
darken | Overgang | - | |
DataScope | Video Effect | Utility | Video data analysis (avfilter.datascope) |
Dblur | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | Non rectilinear lens mappings (frei0r.defish0r)
DC Offset Remover | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Dctdnoiz | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Deband | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Decimator | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Declipper | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Deesser | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a de-essing to the audio. (avfilter.deesser)
Defish | Videoeffekt | Forvræng | |
Deinterlace_qsv | Video Effect | Misc | QuickSync video deinterlacing (avfilter.deinterlace_qsv)
Delayorama | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Delogo | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Denoiser | Videoeffekt | Forbedring
| |
Deshake | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
difference | Overgang | -
| |
Dilation | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Diode Processor | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Opløs | Overgang | -
| |
Forvræng | Videoeffekt | Forvræng
| |
dither | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk | |
Divide | Compositions | - | Perform an RGB[A] divide operation between the pixel sources: input1 is the numerator, input2 the denominator (frei0r.divide)
DJ EQ | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
DJ EQ (mono) | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
DJ flanger | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Dnn_processing | Video Effect | Misc | Apply DNN processing filter to the input. (avfilter.dnn_processing)
dodge | Overgang | -
| |
Drawbox | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Drawgrid | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Drmeter | Audio Effect | Audio | Measure audio dynamic range. (avfilter.drmeter)
Støv | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Dynamisk tekst | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Dynaudnorm | Audio Effect | Audio | Dynamic Audio Normalizer. (avfilter.dynaudnorm)
Dyson compressor | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Kantbeskæring | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér
| |
Kanter med glød | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
Edgedetect | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Elastic scale filter | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | This is a frei0r filter which allows to scale video footage non-linearly. (frei0r.elastic_scale)
Elbg | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Emboss | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Udjævner | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
Erosion | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Estdif | Video Effect | Misc | Apply edge Slope Tracking deinterlace. (avfilter.estdif)
Exponential signal decay | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Exposure | Video Effect | Misc | Adjust exposure of the video stream. (avfilter.exposure) |
Extrastereo | Audio Effect | Audio | Increase difference between stereo audio channels. (avfilter.extrastereo)
Krydsblænd fra sort (videoeffekt) | Videoeffekt | krydsblænd
| |
Indtoning (lydeffekt) | Lydeffekt | krydsblænd
| |
Udtoning (lydeffekt) | Lydeffekt | krydsblænd
| |
Krydsblænd til sort (videoeffekt) | Videoeffekt | krydsblænd
| |
Fast Lookahead limiter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Fast overdrive | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
FFT | Audio Effect | Audio | An audio filter that computes the FFT of the audio. This filter does not modify the audio or the image. It only computes the FFT and stores the result in the “bins” property of the filter (fft)
Fftfilt | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Filp Horizontally | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | Horizontally flip the input video (avfilter.hflip) |
Firequalier | Audio Effect | Audio | Finite Impuse Response Equalizer. (avfilter.firequalizer)
Flanger | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Flanger | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a flanging effect to the audio. (avfilter.flanger) |
Flip Vertically | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | Vertically flip the input video (avfilter.vflip)
Flippo | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
FM Oscillator | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Foldover distortion | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Fractionally Addressed Delay Line | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Frys | Videoeffekt | bevægelse
| |
Frequency tracker | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Gain | Audio Effect | Audio Correction | Adjust the audio volume without keyframes (volume) |
Gamma | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Adjusts the gamma value of a source image (frei0r.gamma) |
Gamma | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Change gamma color value (gamma)
Gate | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Gaussian Blur | Video Effect | Blur and Sharpen | Apply Gaussian Blur filter (avfilter.gblur)
Giant flange | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Glame Bandpass Analog Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Glame Bandpass Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
GLAME Butterworth Highpass | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
GLAME Butterworth Lowpass | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Glame Butterworth X-over Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Glame Highpass Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Glame Lowpass Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Glitch0r | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Glød | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
Gong beater | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Gong model | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Gradfun | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Korn | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
grain_extract | Overgang | - | |
Grain_merge | Compositions | - | Perform an RGB[A] grain-merge operation between the pixel sources. (frei0r.grain_merge)
Gråskala | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
GSM simulator | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
GVerb | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Haas | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply Haas Stereo Enhancer. (avfilter.haas)
Hard Limiter | Lydeffekt | Lydkorrektion
| |
hardlight | Overgang | -
| |
Harmonic generator | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Hdcd | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply High Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD) decoding. (avfilter.hdcd)
Hermes Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Higher Quality Pitch Scaler | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Highpass | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. (avfilter.highpass) |
Highshelf | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a high self filter. (avfilter.highshelf)
Hilbert transformer | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Histogram Equalizer | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | This filter applies a global color histogram equalization on a per-frame basis (avfilter.histeq)
Histogram | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Hqx | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Farvetone | Overgang | -
| |
Forskydning af farvetone | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
Impulse convolver | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Interlace field order | Video Effect | Image Adjustment | Transform the field order of the input video. (avfilter.fieldorder) |
Interleave – Deinterleave | Video Effect | Image Adjustment | Deinterleave or interleave fields (avfilter.il)
Invertér | Videoeffekt | Farve | |
Invert | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Invert colors (invert) |
Invert04 | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Inverts all colors of a source image (frei0r.invert0r)
Inverter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
K-midlingsgruppering | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Karaoke | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Kernel Deinterlacer | Video Effect | Image Adjustment | Deinterlace input video by applying donald Graft’s adaptive kernel deinterlacing. Works on interlaced parts of a video to produce progressive frames. (avfilter.kerndeint)
Oprensning af key-spild | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation | |
Kirsch | Video Effect | Misc | Apply kirsch operator. (avfilter.kirsch)
L/C/R Delay | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
LADSPA | Audio Effect | Audio | Process audio using LADSPA plugins. (ladspa) |
Lens Correction | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | Allow compensation of lens distortion (frei0r.lenscorrection)
Linsekorrektion | Videoeffekt | Forvræng | |
Lenscorrection | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Brevformat | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér | |
Niveauer | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion
| |
LFO Phaser | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Løft/gamma/gain | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion
| |
Light Show | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
lighten | Overgang | - | |
Limiter | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Lilmits the pixel components values to the specified range [min,max] (avfilter.limiter) |
Loudness Meter | Audio Effect | Audio | Measure audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128. (Loudness_meter) |
Lowpass | Audio Effect | Audio | EBU R128 loudness normalization (avfilter.loudnorm) |
Lowshelf | Audiofect | Audio | Apply a low-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. (avfilter.lowpass) |
lighten | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply a low shelf filter. (avfilter.lowshelf)
LS Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Luma | Composition | - | Applies a stationary transition between the current and the next frames. (luma)
Lumakey | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
LumaLiftGainGamma | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
Luminans | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
Mag's Notch Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Matrix Spatialiser | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Matrix: MS to Stereo | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Matrix: Stereo to MS | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Matte | Overgang | - | |
Mcompand | Audio Effect | Audio | Multiband Compress or expand audio dynamic range. (avfilter.mcompand) |
Median | Compositions | - | RPerform an RGB[A] multiply operation between the pixel sources. (frei0r.multiply)
Medianer | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
Spejlvend | Videoeffekt | Forvræng | |
Mixdown | Audio Effect | Audio | Mix all channels of audio into a mono signal and output it as N channels (mono)
Modulatable delay | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Mono Amplifier (ver >= 0.9.10) | Lydeffekt | Lydkorrektion
| |
Mono to Stereo splitter | Lydeffekt | Lydkanaler | |
Monochrome | Video Effect | Misc | Convert video to gray using custom color filter. (avfilter.monochrome) |
Motion compensation deinterlacing | Video Effect | Image Adjustment | Apply motion-compensation deinterlacing (avfilter.mcdeint)
Multiband EQ | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
multiply | Overgang | -
| |
Multivoice Chorus | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Lydløs | Lydeffekt | Lydkorrektion
| |
NDVI filter | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Nervous | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Nikon D90: korrektion for trappetrinseffekt | Videoeffekt | Forbedring
| |
Normalisér | Lydeffekt | Lydkorrektion | |
Normalize (2 pass) | Audio Effect | Audio Correction | Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128 (loudness) |
Normalize | Audio Effect | Audio Correction | Dynamically normalise the audio volume (volume) |
Normaliz0r | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Normalize (aka histogram stretch, contrast stretch). (Frei0r.normaliz0r) |
Normalize RGB video | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Normalize RGB video (aka histogram stretching, contrast stretching). See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Normalization_(image_processing) (avfilter.normalize)
nosync0r | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér | |
Dæk for | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
Gammel film | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Oscilloskop | Videoeffekt | Analyse og data | |
Oscilloscope | Video Effect | Utility | 2D Video Oscilloscope. (avfilter.oscilloscope)
Overlægning | Overgang | -
| |
Pad | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Panorér | Lydeffekt | Lydkanaler | |
Phase | Video Effect | Image Adjustment | Delay interlaced video by one field time so that the field order changes. (avfilter.phase) |
Photosensitivity | Video Effect | Misc | Filter out photosensitive epilepsy seizure-inducing flashes. (avfilter.photosensitivity) |
Pillar Echo | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | Create an echo effect (blur) outside of an area of interest. (pillar_echo)
Pitch Scaler | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Pixelize | Videoeffekt | Forvræng
| |
Plate reverb | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Pointer cast distortion | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Position og zoom | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér
| |
Posterize | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Pp | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Prewitt | Video Effect | Stylize | Apply prewitt operator to input video stream (avfilter.prewitt)
Primærfarver | Videoeffekt | Farve | |
R | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Extracts Red from Image (frei0r.R)
Rate shifter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Firkantet alfamaske (tidligere Mask0Mate) | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation
| |
Anvend på område | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Rescale | Video Effect | Image Adjustment | Scale the producer video frames size to match the consumer. This filter is designed for use as a normaliser forthe loader producer. (rescale)
Retro Flanger | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Reverse Delay (5s max) | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
RGB-justering | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion
| |
RGB-parade | Videoeffekt | Analyse og data | |
RGBA Shift | Video Effect | Stylize | Shift R/G/B/A pixels horizontally and/or vertically (avfilter.rgbashift)
rgbnoise | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Rgbsplit0r | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Ringmod with LFO | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Ringmod with two inputs | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Roberts | Video Effect | Stylize | Apply roberts cross operator to input video stream (avfilter.roberts)
Rotér (keyframebar) | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér
| |
Rotér og trapezér | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér | |
Rubber Band Mono Pitch Shifter | Audio Effect | Audio | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2979) |
Rubber Band Mono Pitch Shifter | Audio Effect | Audio | Adjust the audio ptich using the Rubberband library. (rbptich) |
Rubber Band Mono Pitch Shifter | Audio Effect | Audio | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2979)
Rotoscoping | Videoeffekt | Alfamanipulation
| |
Mætning | Overgang | -
| |
Mætning | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
SC1 | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
SC2 | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
SC3 | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
SC4 | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
SC4 mono | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Scale_cuda | Video Effect | Stylize | - |
Scale_qsv | Video Effect | misc | QuickSync video scaling and format conversion (avfilter.scale_qsv)
scanlinjer | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Scdet | Video Effect | Misc | Detect video scene change (avfilter.scdet)
Ridser | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
screen | Overgang | - | |
Scroll | Video Effect | Misc | Scroll input video (avfilter.scroll)
SE4 | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sepia | Videoeffekt | Farve | |
Set Range | Video Effect | Blur and Sharpen | Force color range for the output video frame (avfilter.setrange) |
Shape Adaptive Blur | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Shape Adaptive Blur (avfliter.sab)
Gør skarpere | Videoeffekt | Forbedring | |
Sharp/Unsharp | Video Effect | Blur and Sharpen | Sharpen or Blur your video (avfilter.unsharp) |
Sharpen - Deprecated | Video Effect | Deprecated | Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer) (frei0r.sharpness) |
Shear | Video Effect | Misc | Shear transform the input image. (avfilter.shear) |
Shufflepixels | Video Effect | Misc | Shuffle video pixels. (avfilter.shufflepixels) |
Shuffleplanes | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
sigmoidaltransfer | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Signal sifter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Signalstats | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Silencedetect | Video Effect | Stylize | Detect silence. (avfilter.silencedetect)
Simple amplifier | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Simple delay line cubic spline interpolation | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Simple delay line linear interpolation | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Simple Delay Line, noninterpolating | Audio Effect | Steve Harris’ SWH plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.1898)
Simple High Pass Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Simple Low Pass Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sine Oscillator (Freq:Audio,Amp:audio) | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sine Oscillator (Freq:Audio,Amp:control) | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sine Oscillator (Freq:control,Amp:audio) | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Single band parametric | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sinus wavewrapper | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Glid | Overgang | -
| |
Smartblur | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Smooth Decimator | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sobel | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk | |
Sobel with planes | Video Effect | Stylize | Apply sobel operators to input video stream. (avfilter.sobel)
Softglow | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
softlight | Overgang | -
| |
SOP/Sat | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion | |
Sox band | Audio Effect | Audio | Process audio using a SoX effect. (sox)
Sox band | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sox bass | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sox echo | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sox flanger | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sox gain | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sox phaser | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Sox stretch | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Spill Suppress | Video Effect | Enhancement
| |
Spill Suppress | Videoeffekt | Forbedring | |
Spill Suppress | Video Effect | Alpha, Mask and Keying | Remove green or blue spill light from subjects shot in front of a green or blue screen (frei0r.spillsupress)
Spp | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Kvadratisk sløring | Videoeffekt | Slør og gem
| |
State Variable Filter | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Step Demuxer | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Stereo Amplifier (ver >= 0.9.10) | Lydeffekt | Lydkorrektion | |
Stereo to Mono | Audio Effect | Audio Correction | Copy one channel to another (channelcopy) |
Stereoscopic 3D | Video Effect | VR360 and 3D | Convert between different stereoscopic image formats. (avfilter.stereo3d) |
Stereotools | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply various stereo tools. (avfilter.stereotools) |
Stereowiden | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply stereo widening effect. (avfilter.stereowiding)
subtract | Overgang | - | |
Super2xsai | Video Effect | Image Adjustment | Scale the input by 2x using the Super2xSaI pixel art algorithm. (avfilter.super2xsai) |
Superequalizer | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply 18 band equalization filter. (avfilter.superequalizer)
Surround matrix encoder | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Ombyt kanaler | Lydeffekt | Lydkanaler | |
Swapuv | Video Effect | Color and Image correction | Swap U and V components. (avfilter.swapuv)
Tape Delay Simulation | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
TAP AutoPanner | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2146) |
TAP Chrous/Flanger | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2159) |
TAP DeEsser | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2147) |
TAP Dynamics (M) | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2152) |
TAP Dynamics (St) | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2153) |
TAP Equalizer | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2141) |
TAP Equalizer/BW | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2151) |
TAP Fractal Doubler | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2156) |
TAP Pink/Fractal Noise | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2155) |
TAP Pitch Shifter | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2150) |
TAP Reflector | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2154) |
TAP Reverberator | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2142) |
TAP Rotary Speaker | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2149) |
TAP Scaling Limiter | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2145)
TAP Sigmoid Booster | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2157) |
TAP Stereo Echo | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2143 ) |
TAP Tremolo | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2144) |
TAP TubeWarmth | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2158) |
TAP Vibrato | Audio Effect | TAP Plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.2148) |
Tape Delay Simulation | Audio Effect | Steve Harris’ SWH plugins | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.1211)
Technicolor | Videoeffekt | Farve
| |
TehRoxx0r | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Thistogram | Compositions | - | Uses Input 1 as a UV Map to distort Input 2 (frei0r.uvmap)
Tærskel | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Indikator for tidsudløb | Videoeffekt | Analyse og data
| |
Transformér | Videoeffekt | Beskær og transformér | |
Tmedian | Video Effect | Misc | Pick median pixels from successive frames. (avfilter.tmedian) |
Tmidequalizer | Video Effect | Misc | Apply Temporal Midway Equalization. (avfilter.tmidequalizer) |
Tonemap_vaapi | Video Effect | Misc | VAAPI VPP for tone-mapping (avfilter.tonemap_vaapi) |
Transform | Video Effect | Transform, Distort and Perspective | Position, Scale and opacity, (qtblend) |
Transform | Compositions | - | Peform an affine transform on for compositing. (affine)
Transient mangler | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Transpose | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Treble | Audio Effect | Audio | Boost or cut upper frequencies. (avfilter.treble) |
Tremolo | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply tremolo effect (avfilter.tremolo)
Triple band parametric with shelves | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
TypeWriter | Video Effect | Misc | Typerwriter effect v0.3.3 (typewriter) |
Untile | Video Effect | Misc | Untile a frame into a sequence of frames. (avfilter.untile) |
V360 | Video Effect | Misc | Convert 360 projection of video. (avfilter.v360)
Værdi | Overgang | -
| |
Valve rectifier | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Valve saturation | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Vectorscope | Videoeffekt | Analyse og data | |
Vectorscope | Video Effect | Utility | Display 2 color component values in the two dimensial graph (which is called a vectorscope) (avfilter.vectorscope)
Vertigo | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Vibrato | Audio Effect | Audio | Apply vibrato effect. (avfilter.vibrato) |
Video Noise Generator | Video Effect | Grain and Noise | Add noise on video input frame (avfilter.noise)
Video Quality Measurement | Overgang | -
| |
Videoværdier | Videoeffekt | Analyse og data
| |
Vignettering | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk
| |
Vignetterings-effekt | Videoeffekt | Kunstnerisk | |
Vocoder | Audio Effect | Audio | LADSPA plugin (ladspa.1337)
Lydstyrke (keyframebar) | Lydeffekt | Lydkorrektion | |
Vpp_qsv | Video Effect | Misc | Quick Sync Video VPP. (avfilter.vpp_qsv) |
VR360 Equirectangular Mask | Video Effect | VR360 and 3D | Adds a black matte to the fram. Use this if you filmed using a 360 camera but only want to use part of the 360 image - for example if you and the film crew occupy the 90 degrees behind the camera. (frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_mask) |
VR360 Equirectangular to Rectilinear | Video Effect | VR360 and 3D | converts an equirectangular frame (panoramic) to a rectilinear frame (what you're used to seeing). Can be used to preview what will be shown in a 360 video viewer. Delayed frame blitting mapping on a time bitmap. (frei0r.bigsh0t_eq_to_rect) |
VR360 Hemispherical to Equirectangular | Video Effect | VR360 and 3D | Converts a video frame with two hemispherical images to a single equirectangular frame. The plugin assumes that both hemispheres are in the frame (freior.bigsh0t_hemi_to_eq) |
VR360 Rectilinear to Equirectangular | Video Effect | VR360 and 3D | Converts a rectilinear (a normal-looking) image to an equirectangular image. Use this together with transform 360 to place "normal" footage in a 360 movie. (frei0r.bigsh0t_rect_to_eq) |
VR360 Stabilize | Video Effect | VR360 and 3D | Stabilizes 360 footage. The plugin works in two phases - analysis and stabilization. When analyzing footage, it detects frame-toframe rotation, and when stabilizing it tries to correct high-frequency motion (shake) (frei0r.bighsh0t_stabilize_360) |
VR360 Transform | Video Effect | VR360 and 3D | Rotates a panoramic image. (frei0r.bigsh0t_transform_360)
VyNil (Vinyleffekt) | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Bølge | Videoeffekt | Forvræng
| |
Wave shaper | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Wave Terrain Oscillator | Lydeffekt | Lyd | |
Hvidbalance | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion
| |
Hvidbalance (LMS-rum) | Videoeffekt | Farvekorrektion | |
White Balance (LMS Space) | Video Effect | Color and Image correctin | Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful way (frei0r.colgate)
Vifte | Overgang | -
| |
Xbr | Videoeffekt | diverse | |
Yadif_cuda | Video Effect | Misc | Deinterlace CUDA frames (avfilter.yadif_cuda) |
Yaepblur | Video Effect | Misc | Yet another edge preserving blur filter. (avfilter.yaepblur)
z-1 | Lydeffekt | Lyd
| |
Zmq | Videoeffekt | diverse
| |
Zoompan | Videoeffekt | diverse |
|- | Zscale || Video Effect || Misc || Apply resizing, colorspace and bit depth conversion. (avfilter.zscale) |}