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Інструменти запуску програм Плазми

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 17:33, 25 August 2010 by Yurchor (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Типовий інструмент запуску програм (меню з клацанням на пунктах). У Kickoff передбачено можливість п...')

There are alternative "start menu" style Plasma application launchers in the KDE platform, including: Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar

Типовий інструмент запуску програм (меню з клацанням на пунктах). У Kickoff передбачено можливість пошуку: ви можете ввести назву програми або її опис для того, щоб знайти відповідний пункт меню.
Lancelot is a powerful application launcher which also allows launch menus to be placed on the panel. Lancelot provides search facilities, so if you know the name of the application you don't need to find your way around the menu.
Classic Menu
Available from either the Add Widets interface or by right-clicking on Kickoff and selecting "Switch to Classic Menu Style", this application launcher provides a classical hierarchical menu that is easily customized to give quick access to various useful applications and services.

There is also KRunner, which replaces the "run command" dialog, blurs the lines between desktop search, application launcher and command executor and provides a quick way to run applications or open documents.