
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 14:18, 9 September 2010 by Caig (talk | contribs) (Created page with '== Utilizzare KGet ==')
Kget is downloading a file
KGet è il gestore di download offerto da KDE.


  • Scaricamento file da fonti FTP e HTTP(S).
  • Pausa e ripristino dello scaricamento dei file ed anche la possibilità di ricominciare un download.
  • Fornisce molte informazioni relative agli scaricamenti attivi ed in attesa.
  • Integrazione nel vassoio di sistema.
  • Integrazione con il browser web Konqueror.
  • Supporto ai metalink che contengono URL multipli per il download, insieme con checksum e altre informazioni.

Utilizzare KGet

There are a number of ways to start-up and use KGet. You can do it manually from the application menu (Search for KGet or find it under the Internet category). You can also set it as the default download manager for Konqueror, which will start it automatically when you wish to download a file. Selecting Options under the KGet tool-bar button in Konqueror will start it automatically as well.

There are a number of other ways to use KGet to download a file from the internet as well:

  • clicking a Download link for a file will automatically start it
  • right-clicking on any web-page element and navigating to Actions -> Download with KGet will initiate a download of that element with KGet (this also works for files and folders on remote storage devices)
  • showing the drop-target and click-dragging a link or file to it will automatically start a download
  • and click-dragging a link or file to the main window will automatically start a download.
The KGet Save To dialogue
Before downloading a file, KGet will ask you where to download it to. You can either type the path manually, or click the folder icon to navigate with a file-picker dialogue. If you have added download groups, you can also select which group to download under.