Preferencias del sistema
Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar
- Centro de control de la configuración global de la plataforma KDE.
- Personaliza y administra tu escritorio desde un solo lugar.
- La función de busqueda reduce el numero de probables configuraciones
System Settings proporciona una función de búsqueda para encontrar una configuración en concreto. Simplemente escribe una palabra clave en el campo de búsqueda de la barra de herramientas y System Settings mostrará los módulos que contienen dicha palabra y ocultará los que no. Los módulos de System Settings también son accesibles a través de KRunner.
Common Appearance and Behavior
Detalles de la cuenta
Configura la información de tu usuario, la contraseña y las rutas. También puedes configurar tus proveedores de escritorio social. Apariencia de las aplicaciónes
Configura el estilo de tus aplicaciones, colores, iconos, tipos de letra y emoticonos.
Dispositivos de entrada
Configura tu teclado, el ratón y el joystick.
Administración del sistema
Pantalla de inicio de sesión
Configure the login manager (KDM). Startup and Shutdown
Configure your system behavior when starting up or shutting down.
Mouse Gestures
- KDE SC version 4.4.4
The place where you start is "
"Enabling mouse gestures
In the bottom left corner of the window there is a
button. Make sure that the checkbox is checked. Set the timout as you see fit. The mouse button might be different for you, I chose 3 for using the right mouse button. If you want input actions to be enabled automatically, check the "Start the input Actions daemon on login" above.Creating the Mouse gestures actions group
Right click on the left pane (in an empty area under the list of action groups) and choose
, rename that group to "Mouse Gestures" and check the checkbox attached to its name.Creating a new mouse gesture
From now on I will assume that the new group is called "Mouse Gestures". Right click on
and choose (here there are three options but I didn't manage to work with "Send Keyboard Input") using "Command/URL" or "D-Bus Command" you will need to create a gesture and bind an action to it.To create the gesture
Click on your
and select the tab. in the bottom of the screen there is an button (click it). In the box that just opened draw your gesture using the left mouse button.To bind an action
if you chose
simply enter that command/url under the tab at the field.Examples using Command/URL
Close window
This command will let you close the next window you mouse click on. Note: wmctrl may not support your Window Manager.
Command/URL: wmctrl -c :SELECT:
to close the active window
Command/URL: wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:
Examples using D-Bus
If you chose D-Bus, here are few examples.
Finding out what to fill where, is done with the help of the "Launch D-Bus Browser", using that browser you can find what method you wish to call in what application object. Using D-Bus we need to fill some fields, the field name will be regular and the content italic.
This will display the Runner dialog.
Remote Application: org.kde.krunner
Remote Object: /App
Function: org.kde.krunner.App.display
Audacious next/previous/pause/play/stop/repeat track
Remote Application: org.mpris.audacious
Remote Object: /Player
Function: org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.Next (replace Next with Prev/Pause/Stop/Play/Repeat)
Audacious PlayPause track
If not playing will play, if playing will pause.
Remote Application: org.mpris.audacious
Remote Object: /org/atheme/audacious
Function: org.atheme.audacious.PlayPause
display the actions pop-up. (I am using that to search and translate words)
Remote Application: org.kde.klipper
Remote Object: /klipper
Function: org.kde.klipper.klipper.showKlipperManuallyInvokeActionMenu