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Revision as of 05:39, 21 September 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Created page with '* <menuchoice>Reference-valuta</menuchoice> kan være Euro eller US$ * <menuchoice>Officielle kurse</menuchoice>r hentes fra internettet for størst mulig nøjagtighed * Kan arbe...')
  Øjeblikkelig omregning mellem mange valutaer


  • Reference-valuta kan være Euro eller US$
  • Officielle kurser hentes fra internettet for størst mulig nøjagtighed
  • Kan arbejde med faste kurser, hvis du ikke er forbundet til internettet

  • Select your known, starting currency - e.g. GBP - and enter the amount.
  • Hit the button with your starting currency label<keycap>
  • You are presented with the start amount in your own currency and its value in €
  • Select a <menuchoice>different currency</menuchoice>, and the equivalent amount in that currency

will be displayed.

  • If a known Euro value is to be converted, enter the value and select the <keycap>€ button. Its value will be displayed in your chosen currency

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