
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 19:27, 3 December 2009 by Annew (talk | contribs)

Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar

Check out the list of KDE Websites for other articles, tips, and tutorials from online magazines, articles, and writers all over the world.

General System

  KDE3 Features missing in KDE4 and work-arounds
Modify KDE defaults
Access another computer's display
Some KDE 4 tips you should know


How to configure panels in KDE 4.1.2 (Link to kde forum entry)
Tweaking Plasma
Tweaking Oxygen Animations
Desktop effects in KWin
Using with small screens (eg. Netbooks) Discusses several issues where screen space is at a premium

File Management

  Discover Dolphin
  File System Navigation
  Archive Management in Dolphin

In Kontact

  How to send SMS using Kontact?
  Reading and writing to mailing lists with KNode


  How to blog from KOrganizer
  How to sync your Palm Pre with Kontact and Google Calendar

In Krunner

  KRunner is an amazingly useful utility, launched either by Alt + F2, or by a right-click on the desktop, and selecting 'Run Command'. Now learn some of its uses
Using it as a calculator
Using it as an application launcher
Running BASH commands in Krunner
Navigating through options
Using the Unit conversion plugin

In KOffice

Basic Layout is a tutorial that creates a leaflet with various images and explaining text using KWords frames technology. Several text frames and image frames will be created and positioned on the page.
A Second Layout experiments with placing, grouping and moving images within a text area.
Using the Artistic Text Shape is a tutorial that shows how to get started with the artistic text shape that all KOffice applications provide.
KWord Manual Tutorial on basic concepts of working in a frame-based environment, and detailed guides for all your WP needs.

In Mail Systems

  Using Spamassassin with a Mail Reader
Spam filtering with Kmail

In Web Browsers

  Make Opera look like a real KDE 4 app
Mousegestures for all Browsers

In Multimedia

Photo KDE Tutorial 1-1: Levels adjust
Photo KDE Tutorial 1-4: Brightness/Contrast/Gamma + Hue/Saturation/Lightness


How to search in phone books using Klipper


How to create and build a simple kdevelop4 project

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