
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 21:36, 4 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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Alle de informationer du kunne ønske dig om dine pakker


KPackage er afhængig af pakkemanageren Smart.

Hovedskærmen har to afsnit. Det til højre er tomt, indtil du vælger en pakke.


I den store ramme til venstre ser du dine pakker, oprindeligt sorteret i grupper. Rækkefølgen ændres som i mange andre applikationer ved at klikke på søjletitlen. For hver pakke får du

  • Pakkens navn
  • En kort beskrivelse
  • Størrelsen
  • Den installerede version

and, if a package is due to be updated that column will show the new version number, while the final column will show

  • version to be replaced.

It is possible, using the drop-down combo-box, to limit the display to

  • Installed packages
  • Available packages
  • New packages
  • Updated packages

There is a Mark column, for making your selection, and you can then use the Packages menu to install your chosen packages

Details window

The four tabs on the right-hand pane give all the information you could need about the selected package -

  • General Properties
  • Dependencies, Provides, Required by and Requires
  • Files included in the package
  • The Change Log
The Properties Screen
Files installed by the selected package
The Change Log