Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar
Main features
- Creates a recipe database, using SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL, using a comfortable interface
- Recipes can be searched by name or by ingredients included or to be omitted

- It's also possible to search on source, yield, preparation time, and several other criteria
- Recipes are entered an edited on a similar screen. Entry is speeded by the use of drop-down menus using text prediction

- Ingredients and instructions can be pasted in if a text file already exists
- Recipes can be printed for inclusion in scrapbooks, etc.

- Files can be imported from an existing Krecipes database
- As well as from "MasterCook" 4, 5 or 6, "Meal-Master", "RecipeML", "Rezconf" or “Now You're Cooking”
- It is also possible to export to many formats
- Backup and Restore of database is fully supported.
- A shopping list can be generated from selected recipes
- Nutrient values can be used to help you plan any diet

- You can search for recipes based on what you have in your store cupboard

- Conversion tables help you move between Americal measure and metric

This is only a very sketchy overview. There are many more features to be explored in the Handbook. The Project Page has links to Help and Discussion forums