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Kexi/Handbook/Building Simple Databases/Entering Data Into Tables

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Entering Data Into Tables

You have designed the two tables Persons and Phones. Neither of them contain any data yet. You need to enter some, and in this chapter you will learn how to do this fast and effectively.

Start with the Persons table. Open it in Data View using Open in the Project Navigator's context menu or the toolbar button. The current cell is marked with a thicker border (usually black) , & a cell cursor. The contents of the cell, if present, are highlighted with a different color. The current row, i.e. the one you have placed your cursor in, is marked on the left hand with an arrow symbol and is highlighted with a darker colour.

You can navigate through table cells using the arrow keys, Page Down, Page Down, Home, End and Tabkeys; you can also click with the mouse in a cell to select it.

Initially, after opening the table Persons, the cursor is placed in the Id column. The column has the autonumber property defined and is marked with blue (auto) text in the last row. It means you do not have to enter values there by hand when entering data for a new row because the cell will be filled automatically with sequential numbers.

Inserting new rows and entering data for them in KEXI is different from the way of doing this in spreadsheets. To enter data for a new row, you need to use the arrow keys or mouse, to move your cursor to the special empty last row marked with a plus sign. Place your cursor in the (second) name column and enter a person's name. Also enter surname, street, house number and city. When done, move the cell cursor to the last empty row either by using the Down key or by clicking in the last row with the mouse to append a new row. The Page Down key will also move you to a new row.

Details About Actions Available While Entering Data Into Tables

  • As soon as you enter the first character, the current row is being edited. A pencil symbol appears on the left side of the data table.
  • Double clicking a cell with the left mouse button or pressing Enter or the F2 key also enters edit mode in the current row.
  • Pressing the Esc key when the contents of a cell is edited cancels changes made to this cell. However, the pencil symbol will not disappear and you can still move to a different cell in the row to edit its contents. To cancel changes made to the entire edited row, press the Esc key again (or twice if you have not yet pressed it once).
  • Instead of pressing the Esc key twice you can click the Cancel Record Changes toolbar button.
  • Press the Shift + Enter keys to accept changes made to all cells in the currently edited row. The pencil symbol will change to the arrow symbol. Moving of a row, either up or down, will also cause all edits to be accepted.

Fill the Phones table with data. In the person column you need to provide the Id number of the person existing in the Persons table for that record.