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ページ レイアウト

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
This page is a translated version of the page PageLayout and the translation is 38% complete.

This page lays out the sections that we would like to see in an ideal page. You should aim to get as many of the sections into your page as is practicable.


  • Tool Box shows you wiki markup for the effect you need
  • Typographical Guidelines standardises markup for use in translation, either to official manuals (DocBook) or to other languages.

説明 妥当性
Image header A two-cell table containing a header, laid out with
{|class="tablecenter vertical-centered" 
|Short description
History A brief history of the application including for example the first release date and others major events. It's recommended to add references. optional
Features A brief feature list, under a heading, and consisting of bullet points. These are indented by default - no need to specify indentation. important
Details One or more heading giving more in-depth information about using the application optional
Screenshots Screenshots to illustrate the above, whenever feasible. These will usually be thumbnails, clickable for enlargement. The size will usually be in the range of 300px to 500px. important
Hints and Tips Short tips to increase productivity optional
Troubleshooting List them here or in a subpage optional
More Information Links to
  • an external project site
  • the application manual on docs.kde.org
  • other useful internal or external pages
if existing
カテゴリ カテゴリは通常、アプリケーション一覧の名前になり、あなたのページを指します。例: applications listed under Applications/Office would show the statement [[Category:Office]]. 重要

Please make regular checks of the pages relevant to your work (linked from Tasks and Tools) and also Typographical Guidelines as these are updated whenever new issues are noted.