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From KDE Wiki Sandbox

Line breaks at "You will not find" section look strange here. --Mark Ziegler 06:40, 30 September 2008 (UTC)

The line lengths are something of a problem in the yes and no sections. We need to avoid clumsy orphans, and I tried to avoid unbalance, which resulted in going for shorter lines. I experimented with width settings and removing the breaks, but I never got a result that looked better. You can experiment then cancel the changes and put your findings here. If we all agree that different settings are better that's fine. --annew 09:16, 30 September 2008 (UTC)
I removed two linebreaks and added some links. For me it looks better now. --Mark Ziegler 12:13, 30 September 2008 (UTC)

Page UserBase (English)

At the bottom I found the sentence: You can either in with an existing OpenID or create a regular account. This should be, I think, You can either log in with etc. I did not change it because I am not sure if that is what it should be.

You are absolutely correct - please go ahead and change it. Thanks for spotting it. --annew 19:35, 10 May 2010 (UTC)