
From KDE Wiki Sandbox

Development of Kdenlive has now switched to a new version of the KDE Frameworks called KF5 (KDE Frameworks 5). To install versions of Kdenlive using this underlying technology, you need to be on a Linux distribution which supports KF5. Ubuntu and its derivatives versioned 15.04 and higher support KF5. It is not possible to install KF5 on distributions earlier than 15.04 (except by chrooting your system). Versions using KF5 are distributed by the Kubuntu-CI Team. The sunab ppa (see below) now also distributes KF5 versions.
Version numbers of the KF5 flavour start at 15.04.0.
This author recommends using the sunab ppa to install Kdenlive rather than the Kubuntu-CI Team because the Kubuntu-CI Team PPA has many other packages in it which will attempt to uprade all sorts of things on your system—with the potential of breaking it.