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Archive:Plasma/HowTo/4.4/zh-cn: Difference between revisions

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Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)
m Created page with ':{| |32px|link=|caption|| :动画录制成GIF格式,在大多数web浏览器里不需要安装额外插件就能观看。请注意,动画是...'
FuzzyBot (talk | contribs)
m moved Plasma/HowTo/4.4/zh-cn to Archive:Plasma/HowTo/4.4/zh-cn: Part of translatable page Plasma/HowTo/4.4.
(59 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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[[Welcome_to_KDE_UserBas|首页]] >> [[Applications/zh-cn|程序]] >> [[Applications/Desktop/zh-cn|桌面应用]] >> [[Plasma/Introduction_to_Plasma/zh-cn|Plasma]]
{{Info/zh-cn|这里提供的信息覆盖 Plasma 桌面 4.4。<br />
版本: [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.3|4.3]] - '''4.4''' - [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/4.5|4.5]]}}
''这里提供的信息覆盖 Plasma 桌面 4.4。'' <br />

'''Plasma工作空间(The Plasma Workspace)'''是 KDE SC 4.x 中一个关键技术 (被誉为 “KDE 的支柱”),是用户最直观的东西。由于 Plasma 不同于传统桌面的方式对待用户界面,可能会有关于 Plasma 桌面是什么、它做些什么、以及如何进行常规任务的疑惑。
'''Plasma工作空间(The Plasma Workspace)'''是 KDE SC 4.x 中一个关键技术 (被誉为 “KDE 的支柱”),是用户最直观的东西。由于 Plasma 不同于传统桌面的方式对待用户界面,可能会有关于 Plasma 桌面是什么、它做些什么、以及如何进行常规任务的疑惑。
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这份文档的目的是演示在 Plasma 桌面里如何进行常规任务。每个HowTo由一个主题和一段短动画组成,点击链接即可观看动画。
这份文档的目的是演示在 Plasma 桌面里如何进行常规任务。每个HowTo由一个主题和一段短动画组成,点击链接即可观看动画。


{{Note|Almost all HowTos assume that the widgets are unlocked. See [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-unlock-44.gif|Unlock widgets]] for instructions on how to unlock them.}}
{{Note/zh-cn|几乎所有的 HOWTOs 都要求部件是处在解锁状态。观看 [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-unlock-44.gif|解锁部件]] 了解如何解锁它们。}}
{{Note|Due to distribution-specific customizations, your desktop might differ from those in the HowTos.
In particular, if you miss the top-right toolbox (shown as a yellow icon), you can reach most options by right-clicking on the desktop.}}

== HowTo ==
== HowTo ==

=== Widgets ===
=== 部件 ===
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-unlock-44.gif           | Unlock widgets]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-unlock-44.gif             | 解锁部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-lock-44.gif              | Lock widgets]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-lock-44.gif              | 锁定部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-movecashew-44.gif        | Move toolbox]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-movecashew-44.gif        | 移动工具箱(腰果)]]

==== Desktop Widgets ====
==== 桌面部件 ====
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-desktop-add-44.gif      | Add widget to desktop]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-desktop-add-44.gif      | 添加部件到桌面]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-desktop-configure-44.gif | Configure widget]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-desktop-configure-44.gif | 设置部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-desktop-move-44.gif      | Move widget]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-desktop-move-44.gif      | 移动部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-desktop-resize-44.gif    | Resize widget]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-desktop-resize-44.gif    | 拉伸部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-desktop-rotate-44.gif    | Rotate widget]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-desktop-rotate-44.gif    | 旋转部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-desktop-remove-44.gif    | Remove widget]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-desktop-remove-44.gif    | 删除部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-desktop-topanel-44.gif  | Drag widget from desktop to panel]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-desktop-topanel-44.gif  | 拖动桌面部件到面板上]]

==== Panel Widgets ====
==== 面板部件 ====
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-add-44.gif        | Add widget to panel]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-panel-add-44.gif        | 添加部件到面板]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-configure-44.gif  | Configure widget]] <ref name="greenarrow">Note the small green arrow. You can also right click instead of pressing the arrow.</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-panel-configure-44.gif  | 设置部件]] <ref name="greenarrow">注意绿色的小箭头。你也能用右击代替点击箭头。</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-move-44.gif        | Move widget]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-panel-move-44.gif        | 移动部件]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-remove-44.gif      | Remove widget]] <ref name="greenarrow"/>
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-panel-remove-44.gif      | 删除部件]] <ref name="greenarrow"/>
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-addspacer-44.gif   | Add spacer]] <ref>The spacer behaves like other panel widgets with the exception that it can be resized</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-panel-addspacer-44.gif     | 添加间距]]<ref>间距的操作像其他面板部件一样,此外它还能够拉伸</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-resizespacer-44.gif| Resize spacer]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-resizespacer-44.gif| 拉伸间距]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-widget-panel-todesktop-44.gif  | Drag widget from panel to desktop]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-widget-panel-todesktop-44.gif  | 拖动面板部件到桌面上]]

=== Desktop ===
=== 桌面 ===
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-desktop-wallpaper-44.gif        | Change wallpaper]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-desktop-wallpaper-44.gif        | 修改壁纸]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-desktop-theme-44.gif            | Change theme]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-desktop-theme-44.gif            | 修改主题]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-desktop-traditional-44.gif      | Change to traditional desktop]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-desktop-traditional-44.gif      | 切换到传统桌面]]

=== Panel ===
=== 面板 ===
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-panel-height-44.gif            | Change panel height]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-panel-height-44.gif            | 修改面板高度]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-panel-width-44.gif              | Change panel width]] <ref>See [[Plasma/FAQ/4.4/Configuration#How can I change the height and the size of the panel?|How can I change the height and the size of the panel?]] for more information.</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma howto-panel-width-44.gif              | 修改面板宽度]] <ref>查看 [[Plasma/FAQ/4.4/Configuration/zh-cn#.E5.A6.82.E4.BD.95.E6.9B.B4.E6.94.B9.E9.9D.A2.E6.9D.BF.E7.9A.84.E9.AB.98.E5.BA.A6.E5.92.8C.E5.B0.BA.E5.AF.B8.EF.BC.9F|如何更改面板的高度和尺寸?]] 获取更详细的信息。</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-panel-move-44.gif              | Move panel]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-panel-move-44.gif              | 移动面板]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-panel-alignment-44.gif          | Change panel alignment]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-panel-alignment-44.gif          | 修改面板对齐]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-panel-autohide-44.gif          | Make panel autohide]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-panel-autohide-44.gif          | 面板自动隐藏]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-panel-add-44.gif                | Add new panel]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-panel-add-44.gif                | 添加新面板]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-panel-remove-44.gif            | Remove panel]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-panel-remove-44.gif            | 删除面板]]

=== Extenders ===
=== 扩展部件 ===
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-extender-todesktop-44.gif      | Drag extender to desktop]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-extender-todesktop-44.gif      | 拖动扩展部件到桌面上]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-extender-restore-44.gif        | Restore extender]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-extender-restore-44.gif        | 恢复扩展部件]]

=== Activities ===
=== 活动 ===
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-activity-add-44.gif            | Add new activity]] <ref>It's also possible to click on "Add Activity" in the toolbox.</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma howto-activity-add-44.gif            | 添加新活动]]<ref>亦可点击工具箱里的"添加活动"</ref>
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-activity-switch-44.gif          | Switch activities]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-activity-switch-44.gif          | 切换活动]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-activity-rename-44.gif          | Rename activity]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-activity-rename-44.gif          | 重命名活动]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-activity-remove-44.gif          | Remove activity]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-activity-remove-44.gif          | 删除活动]]  
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-activity-link-44.gif            | Link activities to virtual desktops]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-activity-link-44.gif            | 每个桌面使用不同的活动]]
* [[Media:Plasma_howto-activity-dashboard-44.gif      | Use separate activity for dashboard]]
* [[Media:Plasma howto-activity-dashboard-44.gif      | 使用独立部件板]]

== Further information ==
== 进一步资料 ==
* [[Plasma/FAQ | The Plasma FAQ]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/FAQ/Index| Plasma FAQ 列表]]
* [[Glossary | Glossary]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Glossary|术语表]]

== For reuse ==
== 外链 ==
To link to an animation from another [[UserBase]] article, a thumbnail can be posted. Here's an example (edit this page to see the syntax):
要从另一篇 UserBase 文章链接到一副动画,可以张贴一副缩略图。这里有个示例:

::{|cellpadding="5" style="border:1px solid darkgray;"
default [http://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/1/14/Plasma_howto-widget-unlock-44.gif]
desc none
|align="center"|How to unlock your widgets

The animations can also be used outside of [[UserBase]]. The BBCode (used in most forums) to post a linked thumbnail is:
Replace GIF with the URL to the GIF file. The corresponding HTML code is:
<a href="GIF"><img src="<nowiki>http://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/2/20/Plasma_howto-thumbnail-44.png</nowiki>" /></a>
A description of how to record animated GIF files can be found [http://hanswchen.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/record-screencasts-to-animated-gif-files/ here].

== Thanks ==
动画也能在 UserBase 外使用。张贴链接缩略图的BBCode (在多数论坛中使用)是:
* '''Anne Wilson''' - thanks for all the help with UserBase!
* '''Ingo Malchow''' - thanks for moving everything to the right place

== Contributors ==
* Hans Chen - current maintainer
{{Input|1=<a href="''GIF''"><img src="<nowiki>http://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/2/20/Plasma_howto-thumbnail-44.png</nowiki>" /></a>}}

制作动画格式的说明在[http://hanswchen.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/record-screencasts-to-animated-gif-files/ 这里] 你想帮忙做动画吗?浏览这个[[Talk:Plasma/HowTo/4.4|讨论页]]了解制作方法!

Do you want to help out with making animations? See the [[Talk:Plasma/HowTo/4.4|Talk page]] to find out how!



Latest revision as of 16:05, 19 May 2012


这里提供的信息覆盖 Plasma 桌面 4.4。
版本: 4.3 - 4.4 - 4.5

Plasma工作空间(The Plasma Workspace)是 KDE SC 4.x 中一个关键技术 (被誉为 “KDE 的支柱”),是用户最直观的东西。由于 Plasma 不同于传统桌面的方式对待用户界面,可能会有关于 Plasma 桌面是什么、它做些什么、以及如何进行常规任务的疑惑。

这份文档的目的是演示在 Plasma 桌面里如何进行常规任务。每个HowTo由一个主题和一段短动画组成,点击链接即可观看动画。



几乎所有的 HOWTOs 都要求部件是处在解锁状态。观看 解锁部件 了解如何解锁它们。













要从另一篇 UserBase 文章链接到一副动画,可以张贴一副缩略图。这里有个示例:




动画也能在 UserBase 外使用。张贴链接缩略图的BBCode (在多数论坛中使用)是:



<a href="GIF"><img src="http://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/2/20/Plasma_howto-thumbnail-44.png" /></a>

制作动画格式的说明在这里 你想帮忙做动画吗?浏览这个讨论页了解制作方法!

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 注意绿色的小箭头。你也能用右击代替点击箭头。
  2. 间距的操作像其他面板部件一样,此外它还能够拉伸
  3. 查看 如何更改面板的高度和尺寸? 获取更详细的信息。
  4. 亦可点击工具箱里的"添加活动"。