Welcome to the KDE community and to the UserBase wiki. Whether you are completely new to KDE software, a previous user or a current fan, these pages will help you learn more about both the KDE community and its software, as well as assist you in getting started. But first, something to whet your appetite!
歡迎來到 KDE 社群 和 UserBase wiki。無論你是 KDE 軟體新手,老手或粉絲,這裡的頁面不但能幫你迅速上手,也能幫你更加的了解 KDE 社群及它的軟體產品。但是首先,給你一些東西刺激胃口。
Here's an example of a KDE desktop. Please take note that it may look differently depending on your version of the software, and distribution. As an example, here is a screenshot of a desktop from the 4.x series, the latest version of the Software Compilation:
這裏有個 KDE 桌面的例子,請注意依照你的軟體版本和發行版,它的外觀可能會有些不同。舉個例子,這裏是Plasma桌面以及最新版本的KDE Frameworks 5(KDE架構5)的桌面截圖:
You can see more screenshots of current and previous releases in the [http://www.kde.org/screenshots/ Screenshots] page.
== Let's Go! ==
Now that we've got your attention, it's time to get to know KDE, up close and personal.