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Instalirali ste Linux i odabrali KDE radno okruženje po prvi put. Ili se možda vraćate na KDE softver nakon dugog odsustva. Ili pak možda planirate da koristite KDE radno okruženje i aplikacije ali želite da se prvo o njime informišete. Šta '''je''' ta sjajna stvar koja vas promatra sa vašeg računara ?
Greetings stranger! Welcome to the wonderful world of KDE. KDE is a worldwide project dedicated to bring the best software to you - for free. Read on and find out what we can offer you and what you can do for us.  

==Internacionalna zajednica==
== An International Community ==
[[Image:KDE-is-ours.png|left|256px|KDE pripada svima nama]] KDE je puno više od samog softvera. To je '''zajednica''' sačinjena od programera, prevodioca, saradnika, umjetnika, pisaca, distributera, i korisnika iz cijelog svijeta. Naš internacionalni tehnološki tim je uključen u kreiranje najboljeg slobodnog softvera za desktop. Nisu to samo aktivni saradnici, već i korisnici i fanovi KDE softvera koji se mogu naći na svakom dijelu svijeta, svi oni pomažu drugim korisnicma, šire novosti, ili jednostavno uživaju u cijelom iskustvu.
KDE is more than just software. It is a '''community''' made up of programmers, translators, contributors, artists, writers, distributors, and users from all over the world. Our international team is committed to creating the best free software for the desktop and mobile. And not only contributors, but users and fans of KDE software can be found throughout the entire globe, giving help to other users, spreading the news, or just simply enjoying the experience.
''(Slika je dijelo [http://wadejolson.wordpress.com/ Wade Olson-a])''

==Novo sjajno radno okruženje==
==Novo sjajno radno okruženje==


'''KDE''' je počeo svoj život kao desktop okruženje. Kako su se povećale aktivnosti tako je i KDE sada '''Internacionalni tim koji kreira slobodni i softver otvorenog koda'''.   
'''KDE''' started life as a desktop environment over 20 years ago. As activities have grown, KDE is now '''an international team that creates Free and Open Source Software'''.   

Šta to znači u praksi je da mnogi programi iz KDE zajednice zajedno rade kako bi vam pružili najbolje moguće iskustvo na kompjuteru. Znači li to da se ne možete koristiti KDE aplikacija ako ne koristite KDE desktop? Uošte ne. Uz pomoć jedne ili dvije dodatne biblioteke aplikacija može se koristiti na skoro bilo kojem desktopu. Čak šta više, neke aplikacije ne radi samo na Linuxu već i na nekim od novih malih uređaja kao što su smartphoni te internet tableti.
What this means in practice is that the many programs from the KDE community work together to give you the best possible computing experience. Does that mean you can't use a KDE application if you don't use the KDE desktop? Not at all. With the help of one or two extra libraries the applications can be used on almost any Linux desktop. What's more, increasingly that software runs on a variety of other platforms. You can now find many KDE applications running under Windows and Mac OS or other devices such as smartphones and tablets.

There are a variety of programs to suit any user's needs, from simple yet powerful text editors, to rocking audio and video players, to the most sophisticated integrated development environment. Plus, KDE applications follow a consistent look and feel across the desktop, giving you a comfortable and familiar experience when using any KDE program. Every six months a new, updated version of a huge number of applications is released - and that's known as the '''Software Compilation (SC)'''.  Some other applications don't update at the same time, but release new versions independently.
There are a variety of programs to suit any user's needs, from simple yet powerful text editors, to rocking audio and video players, to the most sophisticated integrated development environment. Plus, KDE applications follow a consistent look and feel across the desktop, giving you a comfortable and familiar experience when using any KDE program.  

KDE software has several other features that makes it a top-class working environment, such as:
KDE aplikacije imaju brojne prednosti, koje čine KDE vrhunskim radnim okruženjem. Neke od tih prednosti su:

:* A beautiful and modern desktop
:* Prelijep i moderan desktop
:* A flexible and configurable system, letting you customize applications without too much editing of text files
:* Fleksibilan i konfigurabilan sistem vam omogućava prilagođavanje aplikacija bez potrebe da editovanjete brojne tekstualne datoteke
:* Network transparency allows you to easily access files on other networks and computers as if they were on your own computer
:* Mrežna transparentnost vam omogućava da jednostavno pristupate datotekama na drugim kompjutrima unutar mreže na način kao da su te datoteke na vašem računaru
:* A software ecosystem of hundreds, even thousands, of programs
:* Softverski ekosistem koji sadrži stotine, pa i hiljade aplikacija
:* Availability in over 60 languages
:* Dostupnost aplikacija na preko 60 svijtskih jezika

==Free Software==
== Tons of Free Software ==

KDE software isn't just any software. It is '''Free Software'''. As a user, this is an important fact, even without getting deep into technical or legal considerations. Why? Because as free software, you are free to use KDE wherever you want and in whatever manner you want, no activation keys and no installation limits. And you're free to share it with others as well! So not only do you have in your hands great and powerful software, but you can also give your family and friends the opportunity to enjoy it, too.
KDE softver nije tek bilo koji softver. To je '''Slobodni softver'''. Za vas kao korisnika to je veoma bitna činjenica, čak i bez ulazka u detalje raznih tehničkih i legalnih aspekata. A zašto je to bitno? Zato što je KDE slobodni sofver, vi ste slobodni da ga koristite kada god hoćete i kako god hoćete, nisu potrebni aktivacijski ključevi, niti postoje ograničenja na broj instalacija. Također ne postoji zabrana da KDE sofver dijelite sa drugima! Tako da ne samo da imate na raspolaganju močan alat za rad, nego ga možete podijeliti sa porodicom i prijateljima.

Curious about [http://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software Free Software]? Read more about it on the Free Software Foundation's [http://www.fsf.org website].}}
Interesuje vas [http://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software Slobodni softver]? Dodatno se informišite o Fondaciji Slobodnog Softvera na adresi [http://www.fsf.org website].}}
== Components ==

[[Image:KDE brand map.png|right|424px|
[[Image:KDE brand map.png|right|300px|
A diagram of the various aspects of the KDE Platform]]
A diagram of the various aspects of the KDE Platform]]
KDE is a huge community of people who create software. We all have in common that we're building upon an infrastructure we have developed over the years: the KDE Platform.
KDE predstavlja ogromnu zajdnicu ljudi koji prave softver. Svi oni kreiraju softver na postojećoj višegodišnjoj infrastrukturi KDE platofrme.

:* the [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma|Plasma]] workspace - the user interface element, customized for different devices such as PCs, notebooks, or mobile devices
:* the [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma|Plasma]] workspace - the user interface element, customized for different devices such as PCs, notebooks, or mobile devices
:* elements of the KDE [[Special:myLanguage/Platform|Platform]] - exposes common functionality to applications
:* the [https://community.kde.org/Frameworks KDE Frameworks] - most KDE applications are built with the help of a unified framework. Do you also want to write a killer app? The KDE Frameworks can help you with that!
:* KDE [[Special:myLanguage/Applications|Applications]] - software programs that are written to utilize the platform
:* KDE [[Special:myLanguage/Applications|Applications]] - software programs that are written to utilize the platform

More information can be found on [http://techbase.kde.org KDE TechBase]
Dodatne tehničke informacije možete pronaći na stranici [http://techbase.kde.org KDE TechBase]<br style="clear: both;"/>
== Getting KDE Software ==

==There's more!==
If you are using Windows or Mac OS, a growing number of KDE apps such as [https://krita.org Krita] or [https://kdenlive.org Kdenlive] are available for you to download and install. You'll find installers on their pages.

And it doesn't stop there! The KDE community has lots more to offer!
As of right now, some KDE software is for various reasons only on Linux, a free operating system that you can try right now. The community produces [https://neon.kde.org KDE neon], a [https://neon.kde.org/download downloadable] Ubuntu Linux-based operating system which includes the newest version of KDE.

:* Other Platforms - Some KDE applications are available for [http://windows.kde.org/ Windows], [http://mac.kde.org/ Mac OS X], and portable devices such as Nokia N810.
== Helping KDE ==
:* [[Special:myLanguage/Applications/Office|Office]] and Productivity Suite - KDE is not only fun, it can help you get productive and organized as well.
:* Application Development Framework - Dreaming of writing the next killer app? KDE software and community support can help you with that.
KDE can only exist because thousands of dedicated contributors from around the world have given their time. [https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved You can help too!] There is a task for everybody, and we are looking forward to see how you are going to make KDE better.  

|'''Back to [[Special:myLanguage/An_introduction_to_KDE|the Introduction page]]'''
|'''Povratak na [[Special:myLanguage/An_introduction_to_KDE|Početna stranica]]'''
[[Special:myLanguage/Category:Getting Started|Kategorija:Početno upoznavanje]]
[[Category:Getting Started]]

Latest revision as of 19:20, 25 November 2018

Greetings stranger! Welcome to the wonderful world of KDE. KDE is a worldwide project dedicated to bring the best software to you - for free. Read on and find out what we can offer you and what you can do for us.

An International Community

KDE is more than just software. It is a community made up of programmers, translators, contributors, artists, writers, distributors, and users from all over the world. Our international team is committed to creating the best free software for the desktop and mobile. And not only contributors, but users and fans of KDE software can be found throughout the entire globe, giving help to other users, spreading the news, or just simply enjoying the experience.

Novo sjajno radno okruženje

KDE started life as a desktop environment over 20 years ago. As activities have grown, KDE is now an international team that creates Free and Open Source Software.

What this means in practice is that the many programs from the KDE community work together to give you the best possible computing experience. Does that mean you can't use a KDE application if you don't use the KDE desktop? Not at all. With the help of one or two extra libraries the applications can be used on almost any Linux desktop. What's more, increasingly that software runs on a variety of other platforms. You can now find many KDE applications running under Windows and Mac OS or other devices such as smartphones and tablets.

There are a variety of programs to suit any user's needs, from simple yet powerful text editors, to rocking audio and video players, to the most sophisticated integrated development environment. Plus, KDE applications follow a consistent look and feel across the desktop, giving you a comfortable and familiar experience when using any KDE program.

KDE aplikacije imaju brojne prednosti, koje čine KDE vrhunskim radnim okruženjem. Neke od tih prednosti su:

  • Prelijep i moderan desktop
  • Fleksibilan i konfigurabilan sistem vam omogućava prilagođavanje aplikacija bez potrebe da editovanjete brojne tekstualne datoteke
  • Mrežna transparentnost vam omogućava da jednostavno pristupate datotekama na drugim kompjutrima unutar mreže na način kao da su te datoteke na vašem računaru
  • Softverski ekosistem koji sadrži stotine, pa i hiljade aplikacija
  • Dostupnost aplikacija na preko 60 svijtskih jezika

Tons of Free Software

KDE softver nije tek bilo koji softver. To je Slobodni softver. Za vas kao korisnika to je veoma bitna činjenica, čak i bez ulazka u detalje raznih tehničkih i legalnih aspekata. A zašto je to bitno? Zato što je KDE slobodni sofver, vi ste slobodni da ga koristite kada god hoćete i kako god hoćete, nisu potrebni aktivacijski ključevi, niti postoje ograničenja na broj instalacija. Također ne postoji zabrana da KDE sofver dijelite sa drugima! Tako da ne samo da imate na raspolaganju močan alat za rad, nego ga možete podijeliti sa porodicom i prijateljima.


Interesuje vas Slobodni softver? Dodatno se informišite o Fondaciji Slobodnog Softvera na adresi website.


A diagram of the various aspects of the KDE Platform
A diagram of the various aspects of the KDE Platform

KDE predstavlja ogromnu zajdnicu ljudi koji prave softver. Svi oni kreiraju softver na postojećoj višegodišnjoj infrastrukturi KDE platofrme.

  • the Plasma workspace - the user interface element, customized for different devices such as PCs, notebooks, or mobile devices
  • the KDE Frameworks - most KDE applications are built with the help of a unified framework. Do you also want to write a killer app? The KDE Frameworks can help you with that!
  • KDE Applications - software programs that are written to utilize the platform

Dodatne tehničke informacije možete pronaći na stranici KDE TechBase

Getting KDE Software

If you are using Windows or Mac OS, a growing number of KDE apps such as Krita or Kdenlive are available for you to download and install. You'll find installers on their pages.

As of right now, some KDE software is for various reasons only on Linux, a free operating system that you can try right now. The community produces KDE neon, a downloadable Ubuntu Linux-based operating system which includes the newest version of KDE.

Helping KDE

KDE can only exist because thousands of dedicated contributors from around the world have given their time. You can help too! There is a task for everybody, and we are looking forward to see how you are going to make KDE better.

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Kategorija:Početno upoznavanje