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Created page with "የ '''አኮናዲን ''' ሰርቨር ለማስጀመር" |
Created page with "የ '''አኮናዲን''' ሰርቨር ለማስቆም" |
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{{Input|1=akonadictl start}} | {{Input|1=akonadictl start}} | ||
የ '''አኮናዲን''' ሰርቨር ለማስቆም | |||
{{Input|1=akonadictl stop}} | {{Input|1=akonadictl stop}} |
Revision as of 20:13, 23 October 2011
The Akonadi framework is responsible for providing applications with a centralized database to store, index and retrieve the user's personal information. This includes the user's emails, contacts, calendars, events, journals, alarms, notes, etc. In SC 4.4, KAddressBook became the first application to start using the Akonadi framework. In SC 4.7, KMail, KOrganizer, KJots, etc. were updated to use Akonadi as well. In addition, several Plasma widgets also use Akonadi to store and retrieve calendar events, notes, etc.
At the time of writing, the following applications are enabled to use the Akonadi framework to centrally store and access user data. Follow through to each application's page to learn more.
Mail Client Uses Akonadi to store emails
File:የኬ አድራሻ ደብተር የሚጠቀመው አኮናዲን ነው የግንኙነት መረጃዎችን ለማጠራቀም {{{3}}}
File:የኬ አደራጅ ይጠቀሙ አኮናዲን ቀን መቁጠሪያ ፡ ሁኔታዎችን ፡ ማስታወሻዎችን ለማስቀመጫ ወዘተ... {{{3}}}
File:ኬ ጆትስ ይጠቀሙ አኮናዲን ማስታወሻዎችን ለማስቀመጥ
In addition to this, plasma widgets like the Digital Clock widget, the Notes widget also use Akonadi to store and retrieve events and notes.
የአኮናዲን ሰርቨር መቆጣጠሪያ
የ አኮናዲ መቆጣጠሪያ ዘዴ በ ስርአት ማሰናጃ ውስጥ በቀላሉ እንዴት እንደሚጀምሩ ፡ እንደሚያቆሙ ፡ እንደገና እንደሚያስጀምሩ እና እንዴት እንደሚጠይቁ ስለ አኮናዲ ሰርቨር ሁኔታ ያስረዳል። ይህንኑ ሁኔታ በትእዛዝ መስመር መፈጸም ይችላሉ akonadictl.
የ አኮናዲን ሰርቨር ለማስጀመር
akonadictl start
የ አኮናዲን ሰርቨር ለማስቆም
akonadictl stop
To restart a running Akonadi server,
akonadictl restart
To query the status of the Akonadi server,
akonadictl status
Disabling the Akonadi subsystem
The Akonadi server is launched automatically at login whenever any Akonadi-enabled application requests access to it.
To disable the Akonadi subsystem, first, shut down the running Akonadi server from the control module or the command line:
akonadictl stop
Now, edit the file ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc and change StartServer from true to false:
The Akonadi server should no longer launch automatically on login.
Frequently Asked Questions
Refer to the Troubleshooting page for resolving glitches during migration. Akonadi's Glossary entry has a brief description of its purpose and other useful links. This page explains how Akonadi and KAddressBook work together.
If you are experiencing 100% CPU usage by the virtuoso-t process when using Akonadi and related applications, try this proposed workaround while it is being investigated: In KRunner's configuration page, disable the Nepomuk search plugin and the Contact plugin. Then, log out and back in. For further information and inputs, report back here or on the Forum or on the IRC channel #kontact.