Dolphin/File Management/zh-cn: Difference between revisions
m Created page with "你能用<menuchoice>查看 -> 拆分</menuchoice> (键盘快捷键<keycap>F3</keycap>)拆分视图。要变回到只有一个文件夹视图,你可以点<menuchoice>查看 -> ..." |
m Created page with "当然每个视图都有他自己的导航栏,每个视图也能用不同的视图模式。" |
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你能用<menuchoice>查看 -> 拆分</menuchoice> (键盘快捷键<keycap>F3</keycap>)拆分视图。要变回到只有一个文件夹视图,你可以点<menuchoice>查看 -> 关闭</menuchoice>。小图标会显示哪个视图会被关闭。取决于当前激活的视图,减号会显示在图标的左侧或右侧。激活的视图会被关闭。如果你想用键盘快捷键操作的话,需要知道这点。在工具栏上也有一个用来拆分和关闭视图按钮。这个按钮也会显示减号,所以很容易的能看出来哪个视图会被关闭。 | 你能用<menuchoice>查看 -> 拆分</menuchoice> (键盘快捷键<keycap>F3</keycap>)拆分视图。要变回到只有一个文件夹视图,你可以点<menuchoice>查看 -> 关闭</menuchoice>。小图标会显示哪个视图会被关闭。取决于当前激活的视图,减号会显示在图标的左侧或右侧。激活的视图会被关闭。如果你想用键盘快捷键操作的话,需要知道这点。在工具栏上也有一个用来拆分和关闭视图按钮。这个按钮也会显示减号,所以很容易的能看出来哪个视图会被关闭。 | ||
当然每个视图都有他自己的导航栏,每个视图也能用不同的视图模式。 | |||
== View mode == | == View mode == |
Revision as of 12:52, 10 December 2010
发掘 Dolphin
第一部分将带您预览 Dolphin。第二部分涉及不同类型的书签的概念。第三部分讨论文件管理。最后,我们来看'更酷的东西'。可以点击图片查看大图。
Dolphin 或是 Konqueror?
这份指南描述的是 KDE SC 4 的 Dolphin。Konqueror 是 KDE 2 和 KDE 3 的标准文件管理器。你依然可以在 KDE SC 4 中使用 Konqueror 当默认文件管理器。在 KDE SC 4.2 之后, 打开系统设置,然后找到
,选择 Konqueror 或其他程序当默认文件管理器。- D3lphin 是 KDE 3 上的 Dolphin 分支。它缺乏 KDE SC 4 Dolphin 的一些特性。而且由于 KDE 3 默认文件管理器是 Konqueror 的缘故而鲜为人知。社区不支持该分支,原作者也不再维护。
介绍 Dolphin
Dolphin 是 KDE 软件集(Software Compilation)的文件管理器。
我会展示如何用 Dolphin' 完成一般的文件管理任务和定制它满足你的需要。

当我们从Kickoff菜单里打开 Dolphin,他首先显示的是开始目录- 通常是 主文件夹。
在文件夹里点击即可打开文件(如果你喜欢双击打开,KDE 4.5 中在

当你点击+号,文件/文件夹就会被选中。你可以用这种方法选定多个文件(鼠标拖拽矩形选择文件也是有效的)。你也可以用Ctrl + 单击一次一个的选定/取消选定,Shift + 单击来连续操作。

创建新文件夹:你可以在当前活动的目录下用 菜单 ,或快捷键 F10。
标签:Dolphin 支持多标签浏览。举例来说Ctrl + T或鼠标中键点击文件夹图标和导航按钮(前进/后退)。
或点击如何文件夹的时候都会默认启动 Dolphin。也能在 Kickoff 菜单里启动它.
Dolphin 整合了新概念以一种更快速和更准确的方法使用导航栏。因此使用了新的面包屑(breadcrumb)导航栏。取代传统的显示完整的路径,仅从「地址」之一开始的导航点作为按钮显示。点击那些按钮你能直接进入这个文件夹。所以你能快速的从一个子文件夹到达父文件夹。

同样也有一个显示完整路径的经典导航栏。要使用这种样式,你需要选择Ctrl+L 触发。点击「面包屑样式」里紧跟最后一个显示文件夹的空旷区域,你也能改变到经典样式。一旦选择了「经典样式」,一个标记符号就会在导航栏末端出现。这个标记符号是个按钮,可以用来返回样式到「面包屑样式」。当然也能用菜单和键盘快捷键。
Dolphin 能够拆分当前文件夹视图产生出两个彼此相邻的文件夹视图,参考Midnight Commander。这种浏览方式非常适合从一个文件夹复制或移动文件到另一个文件夹。

你能用 (键盘快捷键F3)拆分视图。要变回到只有一个文件夹视图,你可以点 。小图标会显示哪个视图会被关闭。取决于当前激活的视图,减号会显示在图标的左侧或右侧。激活的视图会被关闭。如果你想用键盘快捷键操作的话,需要知道这点。在工具栏上也有一个用来拆分和关闭视图按钮。这个按钮也会显示减号,所以很容易的能看出来哪个视图会被关闭。
View mode
Dolphin supports three different view modes: "Icons", "Details" and "Columns". These can be changed via the menu Ctrl+1 (Icons), Ctrl+2 (Details) and Ctrl+3 (Columns). There is also a button for each view mode in the toolbar and the context menu of the folder view offers a submenu to change the view mode.
or via the keyboard shortcutsIcons
Each file and each folder is represented by an icon in the view mode "Icons". Instead of displaying an icon a preview of the file can be shown. This behaviour can be turned on/off via the menu
or via a toolbar button. There is a size limit for the file previews. This size limitation can be configured via option . There is also an option to use thumbnails embedded in files. In KDE 4.5 Previews are enabled (and maximum size defined) byThe files in the currently selected folder are sorted in alphabetical order by default. The way of sorting can be changed via menu
. The following sort criteria are available:- Name
- Size
- Date
- Permissions
- Owner
- Group
- Type
Additionally the sorting sequence can be defined by
.There is the possibility to display additional information below the icons. These can be turned on/off via
. In principal the same criteria which are available as search criteria can be selected.You can group the icons to achieve a better overview. This is turned on via
. Now the icons are grouped and the groups are divided by a horizontal line containing the name of the group as caption. The grouping is related to the selected search criteria.

In view mode "Details" additional information is displayed by default in contrast to view mode "Icons". All files are listed in a tabular. The context menu of the table header offers the possibility to add additional columns. The following columns are available:
- Size
- Date
- Permissions
- Owner
- Group
- Type
Column "Name" is always displayed. By clicking on the header of one of the columns the table will be sorted by this column. By clicking on the same column header the sorting sequence is reversed.
Since KDE 4.1 it is possible to display the folders as a tree. In this mode a plus sign is shown next to the folder. By clicking on this sign the folder is expanded and all containing sub folders and files are also shown in the table but they are attenuated. By clicking the sign, which display a minus now, again the expansion is closed again. Of course the tree structure can be used for as many folders as wished. The tree view is disabled by default, but can be activated via
with option .Columns
View mode "Columns" is inspired by the file manager Finder of Mac OS X. Entering a sub folder does not replace the current folder view but the content of the sub folder is listed in an additional column next to the column of the parent folder. This can be used for several hierarchies, so that you can navigate in an easy and fast way in the file system.
Setting defaults for all folders
Under the menu item
you can set any of these attributes to be the default for all folder views.Panels
Dolphin contains several panels, which can be activated via menu
. Each panel can be placed in the left or right docking area. To move a panel you have to click on the header and Drag&Drop the panel. The area where the panel will be placed on mouse released is highlighted. It is possible to stack panels on top of each other. In this case the panels are placed into tabs.In the header of each panel there are two buttons. The button near to the caption undocks the panel. This makes the panel an independent window which "floats" above Dolphin. The window is still combined with Dolphin and cannot be displayed without Dolphin and cannot for example be minimized like normal windows. By clicking the button again the panel is docked again. The second button will close the panel.
Non Modal Dialogs
When Moving, Copying or Deleting files/directories the dialog disappears even when the operation has not yet completed. A progress bar then appears in the bottom right of the screen, this then disappears also, if you want see the progress you need to click a small (i) information icon in the system tray.
Dolphin contains a new kind of bookmarks Places. These are displayed in a panel which can be activated via F9). The default Places are identical to the one shown in the category System of the K-Menu Kickoff.
(keyboard shortcutBy clicking one of these places it will be opened in the current folder view. The context menu offers the possibility to edit the places or to remove them again. It is also possible to hide entries temporarily.
The context menu of a folder can be used to add this folder an another entry to the Places panel. Therefore there is a menu item
. You can also Drag&Drop a folder to the Places panel.The places panel also contains entries to connected removable devices like USB-keys or CDs. A small plug icon indicates if the device is mounted. The context menu offers the possibility to unmount the device.
The places are used as the basis in the breadcrumb navigation bar. Each address is shown in relation to the nearest parent folder which is one of the places.
The information panel can be activated via F11). This panel displays a preview or an icon of the currently selected file/folder or of the file/folder below the mouse cursor. Some additional information like change date or size to the file/folder is displayed as well.
(keyboard shortcutThe information panel offers the possibility to rate files, add a comment or tag a file. This is one of the interfaces to the semantic Desktop Nepomuk which provides the advantages of the semantic web for the desktop. Starting from KDE 4.2 it is possible to search for the semantic links given by the tags.

A panel providing a tree structure for the file system can be displayed via F7). The tree structure offers the possibility by clicking the + and - signs to expand/collapse sub folders. By clicking on one of the folders the content will be displayed in the current view.
(keyboard shortcutTerminal
The terminal emulator Konsole can be displayed directly in Dolphin via (keyboard shortcut F4). This makes it possible to use shell commands directly in Dolphin. The terminal is opened in the folder which is displayed in the current view. Shift + F4 opens Konsole in new window.

External links
Road to KDE 4: Dolphin and Konqueror
Ars Technica: A First Look at Dolphin
Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin
Introducing KDE 4 Blog - Dolphin
Bookmarks and Places
In KDE3 you could create bookmarks in Konqueror, but they were not available to any other application. KDE SC 4.x opens up a great deal more flexibility - but that inevitably means more complication. In fact KDE SC 4 has three classes of Bookmarks, which need to be differentiated. They reside in different files, and have different functions.

Three kinds of bookmark
First, there is the set of bookmarks available only to Konqueror - web bookmarks. These are stored in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml. Then there is a set which Dolphin calls Places. This set is available to all applications as well as the Dolphin file manager. Every time you use
you will see this set. The third set of bookmarks are Application Bookmarks. These share one file, regardless of the application that set them, and are available to all applications, unless you restrain them to a specific application. More of that later.Enable bookmarks
In most distros Bookmarks are not enabled by default. In order to use bookmarks we first have to enable them. Open a
in most KDE applications and you will see, at the right-hand edge of the icon panel, a spanner or wrench. From the drop-down list, choose .

There is a default set of Places -
- Home
- Network
- Root
- Trash
but you can add other places. In Dolphin, right-click on a folder and select
, or just drag a folder onto Places.

By default this "Place" will be visible in all applications. If you want to keep it constrained to Dolphin, you need to right-click on the new name in the Places list, where you will find the option to Edit it. There is a check-box for .

You can see the result of that command if you read ~/.kde4/share/apps/kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml.
In some applications too there is an option in the File menu to add a folder to Places. At this stage, however, applications vary in which features are available. The important thing to remember is that the default is for Places items to be available to all applications in the
dialogue.Bookmarks in applications
This is the second class of bookmarks. Remember opening
and using the spanner/wrench? Next to it is a yellow star. This is the bookmark management menu.

Here you can define bookmarks that will be visible in the same menu on any application. They are stored in one file, ~/.kde4/share/apps/kfile/bookmarks.xml, which is used by all applications having that menu.
Constraining to one application
Some applications allow you to edit items in the Places menu. For instance, if in Gwenview you right click on a folder in Places you can set an option to .

If you need to constrain to an application that does not yet allow you to do that, the only way left is to edit the file ~/.kde/share/apps/kfile/bookmarks.xml. Immediately before the </metadata> tag you will need to add the line
Archive Management in Dolphin
Managing archives now becomes simple. In any directory in Dolphin, highlight the files that you want to compress, and right-click. Here, using the Compress option, you can elect to create a RAR archive, a Gzipped tar archive, or define another compression mode that you have already set up.

Similarly, if you right-click on an existing archived file you get a range of actions added to the right-click menu. You can extract the archive to the current folder, to an autodetected subfolder or to another place of your choosing.
Should you wish to add files to an existing archive, you can choose

More Cool Actions
Change a File Association on-the-fly
Have you ever wanted to open a file, only to find that it is associated with an application that is not of your choice? You can, of course, alter this in
. But Dolphin and Konqueror offer you a quick and cool method for changing a single association.Right-click on the file and select
. The first line there is descriptive, something like:Type: XML document
At the same level, on the right, there is a spanner (wrench). Click on that and you can add or change an association.
Similarly, by working on a folder, you can change the default file manager to/from Konqueror, if you choose, or add another image browser to the possible associations.
sub-menu opens up a whole lot more cool things to do from Dolphin. Some possibilities only appear when applicable to the file you have selected. Some of the options are- Convert an image file to a different format
- Preview the file
- Download a remote file with KGet
- Sign and/or encrypt the file, according to the encryption software installed
Encode and copy audio CD tracks
- Insert an audio CD
- Navigate to this CD in Dolphin: it must appear as "Volume" in your Dolphin 'Places' or you can reach it by typing audiocd:/ in the address bar.

You now notice that Dolphin is proposing a WAV file for each track, plus:
- a CDA folder containing indexing information in the usual CDA format.
- a Whole CD folder, containing one file for each format (.cda, .flac, .mp3, .ogg, .wav) holding all the tracks
- a FLAC folder, containing the tracks encoded into FLAC format (lossless information format)
- an Information folder containing the CDDB informations
- an MP3 folder, containing all the tracks in MP3 format
- a Ogg Vorbis folder, containing the tracks encoded in OGG format
You then just have to copy the folder of your choice, in your preferred format to obtain the relative encoded version of your CD!