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Abella (talk | contribs)
Created page with "===Ús com a calculadora==="
Abella (talk | contribs)
Created page with "Podeu usar '''KRunner''' com una calculadora. Només l'heu d'obrir i escriure l'expressió que desitgeu avaluar com per exemple 32*12= o =32*12. Podeu posar el signe = abans o de..."
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===Ús com a calculadora===  
===Ús com a calculadora===  

You can use '''KRunner''' as a calculator. Just open '''KRunner''' and type the expression you want to evaluate such as 32*12= or =32*12. You can put the = sign before or after the expression.
Podeu usar '''KRunner''' com una calculadora. Només l'heu d'obrir i escriure l'expressió que desitgeu avaluar com per exemple 32*12= o =32*12. Podeu posar el signe = abans o després de l'expressió.

It is possible to evaluate more sophisticated expressions such as: <code>=sqrt(4) + 32 * sin(60)</code>
It is possible to evaluate more sophisticated expressions such as: <code>=sqrt(4) + 32 * sin(60)</code>

Revision as of 10:03, 8 March 2011

KRunner és una eina per cercar i llançar fitxers i aplicacions. També la podeu usar per a operacions més genèriques com una calculadora o un convertidor d'unitats. En la majoria dels sistemes podeu activar KRunner amb la combinació de tecles Alt + F2.

Control bàsic

Obrir KRunner

Hi ha diverses maneres d'obrir KRunner:

  • Premeu l'accés directe global ( Alt + F2 per omissió).
  • Feu clic dret sobre l'àrea de treball Plasma i seleccioneu Executa ordre...
  • Executeu l'ordre "krunner" des d'una consola.

Sintaxi de Krunner

La icona «?» situada a la dreta del camp d'entrada explica la sintaxi de cadascun dels Runners actius. Desplega la llista per veure totes les paraules clau i la sintaxi que els Runners reconeixen.

Navegar a través dels resultats

Quan la cerca ha donat més d'un resultat, a part d'usar el ratolí, podeu usar Tab/Tab + Majús. i les tecles del cursor per avançar i retrocedir en la llista de resultats, i usar Intro per a seleccionar un resultat.

Explorar les funcions de KRunner

Ús com a calculadora

Podeu usar KRunner com una calculadora. Només l'heu d'obrir i escriure l'expressió que desitgeu avaluar com per exemple 32*12= o =32*12. Podeu posar el signe = abans o després de l'expressió.

It is possible to evaluate more sophisticated expressions such as: =sqrt(4) + 32 * sin(60)

Using as an application launcher

This you probably already knew, KRunner can also launch applications. Start Krunner (Alt + F2) and type the name of the application you want to run. For applications that appear in the applications menu, you may type a portion of the application name or keywords from its description. You may also use the names or descriptions of individual control panels to launch them.

Running BASH commands

In addition to applications KRunner also recognizes all binaries throughout your system. You can use this ability to run bash commands such as cp, mv, etc.

To do so, start KRunner (Alt + F2) and type the commands just as you would in Konsole:

cp ~/Documents/myFile ~/myFile (not a useful example but you get the idea)

Launching websites

Enter a URL - http://www.somewhere.com - and the page will pop up in your browser.

Using web shortcuts

You can also use web shortcuts with KRunner. Example: gg:some-term will bring up Google search results.

In order to use a web shortcut, first make sure it exists and is checked. You can manage them through Konqueror's configuration, Rekonq's, or try writing Web Shortcuts in KRunner.

KRunner as a unit converter

KRunner can help you convert numbers from one unit to another for area, length, mass, speed and volume in KDE SC 4.2 and currency, energy, pressure and temperature in KDE SC 4.3. For each category, a default unit is set.

Example: 6 feet in meters will output 1.8288 m.

When you don't give the target unit, conversion is done automatically into default unit of the category.

Example: 10 acres will output 40469 m².

Controlling Power Management via PowerDevil addon

It is possible to control the various PowerDevil options via Krunner:

  • power profile brings up available profiles.
  • screen brightness turns off or dims screen.
  • screen brightness <percent> sets the brightness percent of the screen.
  • suspend brings up suspend options.
  • power governor sets the cpu governor.
  • power scheme sets the power scheme.


This plug-in allows you to switch to windows or virtual desktops by entering its name. It matches partial window titles, application names (if it can be extracted from the window title) and virtual desktop names.

Advanced Usage with Single Runner Mode

You can use KRunner in a special mode called "Single Runner Mode", which allows you to restrict your search results to those given by a specific plug-in. For instance, you can restrict search results to the "Windows" runner and browse open windows enjoying the filtering features of the plug-in. Another example would be using the "Devices" runner so that you would be able to browse, mount or unmount devices from within KRunner.
An increasing number of plug-ins allow this mode; it is simple to activate it by assigning the corresponding shortcut via the "Global keyboard shortcuts" systemsettings module.