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Tasks and Tools/da: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
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=== Relevans ===
=== Relevans ===

It should relate to KDE software, directly or indirectly. We define it like this:
Det du skriver bør — direkte eller indirekte — have med KDE's software at gøre. Vi derfinerer det således:
:[[Image:dialog-ok32.png|13px]] For New Users - helping to get started
:[[Image:dialog-ok32.png|13px]] For nye brugere — hjælp med at komme i gang
:[[Image:dialog-ok32.png|13px]] For Regular Users - learning about new features and tips
:[[Image:dialog-ok32.png|13px]] For almindelige brugere — lær om nye funktioner og tips
:[[Image:dialog-ok32.png|13px]] For Advanced Users - but use sub-pages for this.
:[[Image:dialog-ok32.png|13px]] For avancerede brugere — men brug undersider til dette.

:[[Image:edit-delete.png|13px]] Not for Developers - [http://techbase.kde.org Techbase] is the place for that
:[[Image:edit-delete.png|13px]] Not for Developers - [http://techbase.kde.org Techbase] is the place for that

Revision as of 09:20, 26 June 2011

Før du starter

Til at begynde med

  • For at bidrage til UserBase skal du oprette en konto. Se, hvilke fordele dette giver dig på siden Kom godt i gang. Der finder du også hjælp til at registrere og logge ind.
  • Vær opmærksom på, at dine bidrag er underlagt de to licenser, som du finder ikon-links til i sidepanelet på alle sider. Klik på ikonet i navigationspanelet for at læse detaljerne. Du indvilliger i, at dine bidrag er offentligt tilgængelige og at andre kan bruge denne information på deres egne websteder.
  • Brug diskussionssiden til at kommunikere med andre bidragydere eller få hjælp. Normalt vil du få svar i løbet af en dag.
  • Be aware that your contribution will be governed by the twin licenses for which icon-links are provided in the side-bar of each page. Click on the images in the Navigation Panel to read the details. You are agreeing to your contribution being publicly available and that others can use that information on their own sites.
  • Use the Talk page to communicate with other contributors or get help. Normally someone will get back to you within a day.


Det du skriver bør — direkte eller indirekte — have med KDE's software at gøre. Vi derfinerer det således:

For nye brugere — hjælp med at komme i gang
For almindelige brugere — lær om nye funktioner og tips
For avancerede brugere — men brug undersider til dette.
Not for Developers - Techbase is the place for that

Ways to Contribute

Update Existing Content

Add New Pages

  • Create a new page, showcase an application, introduce a new concept.
  • Write a manual. You need to know an application quite well, and probably to be in contact with the author. We can help you.

Working with Languages


It's important to be consistent, particularly in Manuals, so here are some general rules:
  • Take care with heading levels - we start at second level (Mediawiki uses top level for page-name), using ==
  • Make application name formatting consistent (avoid using Amaroks, do use Amarok's).
  • Ensure that all images are in PNG format (you can use JPEG (.jpeg, not .jpg) as well, but in this case you should convert your images to PNG later. Save work by converting them before you start .
  • Remove all non-printable characters from image names.

Hints and Tips

Some Preferences that will help -

  • If you don't have [edit] links against the sections, open your My Preferences (in the Personal Tools section of the sidebar) then look for Editing and in the Advanced Options set Enable section editing via [edit] links
  • While you are in those settings, enable Show preview on first edit - while you are editing you can glance at the original display for reference
  • The default display is to show the preview first, with the edit box below. If you prefer the edit box at the top you can change that setting in the same place