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Digikam/fr: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Fredtantini (talk | contribs)
Created page with "==L'interface appareil photo numérique== <gallery perrow="4"> Image:Digikam_card_media.png|Lecture depuis les médias amovibles Image:Digikam_camera.png|ou depuis l'appareil Ima..."
Fredtantini (talk | contribs)
Created page with "==La table des lumières== <gallery perrow="4"> Image:Digikam_compare-range.png|Comparer à partir d'un ensemble de photos Image:Digikam_examine-details.png|Examiner les détails..."
Line 40: Line 40:

==The Light Table==
==La table des lumières==
<gallery perrow="4">
<gallery perrow="4">
Image:Digikam_compare-range.png|Compare from a range of photos
Image:Digikam_compare-range.png|Comparer à partir d'un ensemble de photos
Image:Digikam_examine-details.png|Examine Details
Image:Digikam_examine-details.png|Examiner les détails
Image:Digikam_rate-range.png|Rating makes choice easier
Image:Digikam_rate-range.png|Notr rend le choix plus facile
Image:Digikam_lt-settings.png|See the camera settings
Image:Digikam_lt-settings.png|Regarder la configuration de l'appareil photo numérique

Revision as of 15:04, 28 July 2011

Voir, gérer, éditer, améliorer, organiser, ajouter un tag et partager les photos

DigiKam prend en charge l'importation de photos à partir des caméras, la création d'albums, marquage part dates, sujet et autres propriétés et un excellent outil de recherche. Veuillez consulter le manuel pour tous les détails, incluant les formats d'images qui sont pris en charge.

Gérer vos photos

L'éditeur d'image

L'interface appareil photo numérique

La table des lumières


For those who find the DigiKam interface a tad too technical, ShowFoto gives access to the same tools, with a popular interface.

  • The project Home Page is here
  • A detailed User Manual is here. You will find these and many other screenshots there.

The support page of the project has links to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and to Mailing List subscription details.

There is a short video tour here.

The section on Digital Asset Management is no longer on the web pages, but in the manual, which may be present on your installation as digikam-doc, or you can download a set of .pdf files, digikam.pdf, showfoto.pdf and kipi-plugins.pdf

The blog Open Source Photo Processing Comes of Age by rm42 highlights developments since the KDE 3 version, and provides a useful tour.

We have a growing collection of tutorials that will help you get more enjoyment and productivity from digikam. The Digikam tutorials page lists them with a brief comment on content.


Click on the Photography category at the bottom of this page to see a list of all available tutorials for Digikam and Showfoto.