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Table of equivalent applications/zh-tw: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)
m Created page with "{|class="vertical-centered wikitable" ! width="25%" | 描述 || width="25%" | Windows || width="25%" | Mac OS X || width="25%" | KDE 軟體 |- ! 文書處理 | Microsof..."
Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)
m Created page with "教育"
Line 140: Line 140:


Revision as of 12:08, 13 September 2011



描述 Windows Mac OS X KDE 軟體
文件管理器 Windows 檔案總管 Finder Dolphin, Konqueror
控制中心 控制台 System Preferences 系統設定
命令列介面 命令提示字元 Terminal Konsole, Yakuake, KRunner


描述 Windows Mac OS X KDE 軟體
部落格軟體 Windows Live Writer Blogilo
BT 下載 BitTorrent KTorrent, KMLDonkey, KGet
下載管理員 FlashGet,迅雷 KGet
eDonkey 客戶端 eMule KMLDonkey
電子郵件 Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail Apple Mail KMail
消息來源聚合器 Akregator
個人資訊集合 Outlook Kontact
Web 瀏覽器 Internet Explorer Safari Konqueror, rekonq
即時通訊連線軟體 Windows Live Messenger,QQ iChat, Adium Kopete, KMess
IRC 連線軟體 mIRC Colloquy Konversation

圖形 & 影像

描述 Windows Mac OS X KDE 軟體
圖片編輯工具 Paint.NET, Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Krita, KolourPaint
圖像檢視器 ACDSee Gwenview, KuickShow, digikam, KPhotoAlbum
照片管理 ACDSee digikam, KPhotoAlbum, Gwenview
PDF 檢視器 Adobe Reader Adobe Reader Okular
向量繪圖 Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator Karbon14


描述 Windows Mac OS X KDE 軟體
音樂播放器 Windows Media Player,Winamp iTunes AmarokJukKsCDKaffeine
影片播放器 Windows Media Player QuickTime Player Bangarang, Dragon Player, KPlayer, KMPlayer, Kaffeine
光盤刻錄 Nero Burning ROM iDVD K3bK9Copy
虛擬光驅 Daemon Tools Silicon
非線性影片剪輯器 Windows Movie Maker iMovie Kdenlive

辦公室 & 生產力軟體

描述 Windows Mac OS X KDE 軟體
文書處理 Microsoft Word,WPS Pages KWord
電子表格 Microsoft Excel Numbers KSpread
簡報 Microsoft PowerPoint Keynote KPresenter
資料庫管理 Microsoft Access FileMaker Kexi
圖表和流程圖和思維導圖 Microsoft Visio OmniGraffle Kivio, Semantik
專案管理 Microsoft Project iTaskX, Merlin KPlato
個人資訊管理 Microsoft Outlook Address Book, iCal Kontact
個人財務管理 Quicken Billings KMyMoney, Skrooge
筆記軟體 Microsoft OneNote Evernote BasKet


Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Touch-typing trainer TypingMaster, Stamina KTouch

System Administration

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
Partition Editor Logical Disk Manager Disk Utility KDE Partition Manager
System Monitor Windows Task Manager Activity Monitor KSysGuard
System Information EVEREST KInfoCenter

Utilities and Tools

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
File archiver WinRAR Ark
Text Editor Notepad TextEdit KWrite, Kate

Development and Programming

Description Windows Mac OS X KDE Software
IDE Visual Studio Xcode KDevelop, Quanta
Computer-aided translation system Poedit, Virtaal Poedit, LocFactory Lokalize
UML tool Enterprise Architect Umbrello, Kivio


If you need a tool for a specific task, you may find a suggestion on the Tools page