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Importing a new version from external source
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* <menuchoice>Indstillinger → Indstil agent til mappearkiverings...</menuchoice>  
* <menuchoice>Indstillinger → Indstil agent til mappearkiverings...</menuchoice>  

This feature allows you to archive single emails to a specified folder.
Denne funktion lader dig arkivere enkelte e-mails til an give mappe.

For instance, you need to archive all of those pesky bill receipts in one place. Folder Archive Agent can easily accommodate those needs.  
For instance, you need to archive all of those pesky bill receipts in one place. Folder Archive Agent can easily accommodate those needs.  

Revision as of 06:31, 3 March 2014


KDE's e-mail-program KMail har forskellige backup-funktioner.


  • Mappe → Arkivér mappe...

Eller vælg Arkivér mappe i kontekstmenuen, som dukker op ved klik med højre museknap. Dette vil åbne en dialog, som lader dig oprette et enkelt arkiv af den aktuelt markerede mappe. Arkivets filnavn vil bestå af præfikset Archive_, stien til den markerede mappe i KMails mappeliste, datoen i formatet år-måned-dag og den valgte filendelse, fx Archive_Local Folder_inbox_2013-09-03.tar.bz2.

Arkivér mappe

Tekstfeltet Mappe: viser den aktuelt markerede mappe; hvis du vil ændre hvilken mappen, der skal arkiveres, så klik på ikonet .

Drop-ned-menuen Format lader dig vælge et format (valgmulighederne er: zip, tar, tar.ab2 og tar.gz),

Hvis du ønsker at ændre standardnavnet eller placeringen, så klik på ikonet for enden af feltet Arkivfil.

Sæt flueben ved Slet mappe og undermapper efter fuldførelse hvis du vil slette alt det du lige har arkiveret.

Som standard arkiveres alle undermapper. Fjern fluebenet ved Arkivér alle undermapper hvis du kun ønsker at arkivere det øverste niveau.

  • Indstillinger → Indstil automatisk arkivering...


This feature is a fairly recent addition; you may not find this option in your version of KMail. Usually it takes some time for new versions of applications to be added to the various distributions.

Dette er et stærkt værktøj, som kan bruges til at hjælpe med at automatisere backup af dine e-mails. Arkivets filnavn vil bestå af præfikset Archive_, stien til den valgte mappe i KMails mappeliste, datoen i formatet år-månde-dag og den valgte filendelse, fx Archive_Local Folder_inbox_2013-09-03.tar.bz2.

Automatisk arkivering

Vælg først den mappe du ønsker at arkivere ved at klikke på knappen Tilføj....

Automatisk arkivering

Vælg det format du ønsker at gemme det i, fx .tar.bz2 i drop-ned-listen.

Som standard er Arkivér alle undermapper aktiveret. Fjern fluebenet, hvis du kun ønsker at arkivere det øverste mappen-niveau.

Du kan skrive, hvor du ønsker at gemme arkivet eller klikke knappen (Åbn fildialog). for at vælge mappen.

Vælg, hvor ofte du ønsker at lave backup i inputfeltet og drop-ned-listen Lav backup hver:.

  • Hvis du har begrænset diskplads, så skal du nok angive et maksimalt antal af arkiver.
  • Hvis du har tilføjet eller ændret en arkiveringsjob, så vil det blive udført automatisk når du lukker dialogen.

  • Hvis du allerede har tilføjet e-mail-arkiveringsjobs, så vil dialogen Konfigurér mailarkiveringsagent opliste dem og lade dig ændre dem.

Du kan bruge aktiveringsfeltet til venstre for hvert emne i listen til at aktivere eller deaktivere arkivering af dette job.

Ved hjælp af kontekstmenuen, som dukker op når du højreklikker på et af arkiveringsjobbene kan du åbne den mappe, som indeholder arkivet eller starte arkiveringsjobbet med det samme.


Dette vil overskrive et eksisterende arkiv, som er blevet oprettet tidligere samme dag uden advarsel.

  • Indstillinger → Indstil agent til mappearkiverings...

Denne funktion lader dig arkivere enkelte e-mails til an give mappe.

For instance, you need to archive all of those pesky bill receipts in one place. Folder Archive Agent can easily accommodate those needs.

Folder Archive Agent

This dialog will have a tab for each of your configured accounts including Local Folders and you will need to configure all accounts that you wish to use this feature with.

The first option allows you to enable/disable the folder archive agent. It is disabled by default, to enable check the Enable check box.

You can set the location of your Archive folder by clicking the folder icon next to Folder: and selecting the folder you wish to use.

For example, you could create a folder called “bill receipts” by clicking the New Subfolder... and typing bill receipts in the dialog. You may choose a folder location anywhere, e.g... a folder in your “Local Folders” or on your IMAP server.

You have several choices on how the emails will be archived:

  • Unique folder - Uses the selected folder sorted by date.
  • Folder by months - Creates new folders inside the selected folder by months.
  • Folder by years - Creates new folders inside the selected folder by years.

Now when you receive a bill receipt, right mouse button the email and select Archive from the menu. The email will be archived into your configured archive folder for easy viewing later on.


  • Tools → Export KMail Data...

Or pimsettingexporter can be run as a standalone application by running pimsettingexporter in the application launcher.

This feature exports settings and local mail to a compressed file.

Backing up is an essential practice for all users. PIM Setting Exporter is a great tool for backing up or moving all of your settings and email to a new installation. You also use PIM Setting Exporter to import previous backups.

PIM Setting Exporter

To perform a backup, select File → Back Up Data..., it will prompt you to close all kdepim applications.


Make sure you close all windows, data loss is possible if you don't.

Once you have closed them, click Yes to continue, or No to cancel.

You will be prompted to create a backup name, enter the name into the File textbox, e.g. mymailsettings.

The default file type it saves as is .zip, if you want a different type, deselect Automatically select filename extension and append the extension to the end of your file name.

The next screen will allow you to select what you wish to backup, by default everything is selected.


KMail Mails selection will only backup mails in your “Local Folders”, it will backup IMAP settings and download messages upon restore. If you have emails on a IMAP server you wish to be backed up, you should use Folder Archive Agent to archive those emails to a local folder.

The final screen shows the log of the backup up process. You can close the window once you have reviewed the log and verified your backup was successful.

To restore your backup, select File → Restore Data... within pimsettingexporter.