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From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Annukka (talk | contribs)
Created page with "# Fuji RAF raw kuva"
Annukka (talk | contribs)
Created page with "# Panasonic raw2 kuva"
Line 139: Line 139:
# Olympus ORF raw image
# Olympus ORF raw image
# Panasonic raw image
# Panasonic raw image
# Panasonic raw2 image
# Panasonic raw2 kuva
# Fuji RAF raw kuva
# Fuji RAF raw kuva
# Sony SRF raw kuva
# Sony SRF raw kuva

Revision as of 10:09, 2 February 2015

Krita 2.4 with right-click quick access ring shown -- painting by Tyson Tan
Krita Logo (as of 2.4)
Krita Logo (as of 2.4)
Krita, the KDE digital painting and drawing application

Designed for digital painting, concept art, comics and texture creation, modeled on existing real painting tools. Feature rich, with an ergonomic and flexible user interface.

Visit Krita's official website for development updates:Krita.org


Krita is an free and cross-platform creativity application for digital painting, image manipulation, concept art, comics and texture creation. It is modeled on existing real-world painting materials and workflows, but also packs with functions like layers, filters, vector path drawing, typography, and built-in color management support. Krita is a KDE application based on Calligra platform.


  • Suunnittelussa painotettu piirtämistä ja maalaamista
  • Right-click quick access to color wheel, color history and favorite brushes
  • Highly adjustable brush system
  • Tasot erilaisilla sekoitus vaihtoehdoilla, sisältäen kertovan, sulauttavan ja peittävyyden säädön.
  • Voi luoda vektoritasoja monimutkaisilla objekteilla ja muokattavilla teksteillä.
  • Tukee automaattista tallennusta
  • Customizable toolbar, shortcuts and drag-and-drop panels
  • Tukee monia eri tiedostomuotoja, mukaan lukien GIMP ja Adobe Photoshop
  • Sisäänrakennettu värienhallintajärjestelmä, tukee väriavaruuden muuntoa, RGB, CMYK, L*a*b jne.
  • Extensible through OpenShiva, Python or Ruby scripts
  • Cross-platform, supports various GNU/Linux distributions, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX


Kritassa on hyvin joustava ja käyttäjäystävällinen käyttöliittymä. Se antaa käyttäjille vapauden mukauttaa työkalupalkkeja, oikoteitä ja tiettyjä työkalujen asetuksia siirrettävien ja telakoitavien välilehdellisten paneelien kautta. Hiiren oikealla aktivoitavan kivan kelluvan renkaan avulla saa nopeasti ja kätevästi valittua värejä, värihistorian ja suosikki siveltimet. Mukautetun työtilan voi tallentaa ja ladata eri tehtävien mukaan.


Krita allows users to easily right-click and customize its toolbars. There are two toolbars in Krita: "Files" toolbar and "Brushes and Stuff" toolbar. You may add or remove whatever functions of the toolbars, change text position, icon size and ordering. Texts on the button can be changed or even overlapped by assigning any desirable icons to them (with KDE plasma workspace installed). While customizing toolbars, the function list is searchable.


Oikoteitä on helppo muuttaa Kritassa. Voit asettaa ensisijaisen oikotien lisäksi vaihtoehtoisen oikotien yksittäiselle komennolle. Oikoteitä räätälöidessä on komentolista haettavissa ja käyttäjälle ilmoitetaan ristiriidassa olevista komennoista.


Dockers are tool option panels which can be drag-and-dropped in Krita. You may put them wherever you want and resize them horizontally and vertically. Multiple dockers can be grouped in a shared space and switch between them by tabs. By right-clicking on the title area of any panels you can easily add or remove panels from a complete list. A docker can also be collapsed to save space while not used.


There are two kinds of palettes in Krita: the ordinary palette for color presents which is a docker, and the not-so-ordinary palette for quick access to color selector, color history and favorite brushes. This quick access palette can be called up by right-clicking anywhere on the canvas, which liberate the artist from interruption in switching among colors and tools, thus provides an immersive user experience. Favorite brushes can be added to the palette by clicking on the toolbar button Save to Palette.

Brush System

Krita has a powerful and highly adjustable brush system modeled on various existing real-world drawing tools. In brush settings different genre of tools are grouped separately, each of them has tens of specified options which allow artists to adjust them throughly. On the right-side area of the brush setting window is a sketchpad to test the current brush settings, you may assign any background color and gradient to the sketchpad by clicking the icons below it.

While using the brush tool ("Paint with brushes" in toolbox), you may change brush size by holding Shift and drag brush-tip horizontally on the canvas. By holding Ctrl you temporarily switch to color-picker. By holding middle-mouse button you can move canvas. Right-click for quick palette. Quick sliders of Opacity, Flow and Size can be found on Krita's brush toolbar, while only two can be shown at the same time, you may click the plus button on the right to switch between different sliders.

Stable Brushes

  1. Pixel (Normal) brushes
  2. Smudge brushes
  3. Duplicate brushes
  4. Filter brushes
  5. Hairy brushes
  6. Hatching brushes

Kokeelliset Siveltimet

  1. Liitu siveltimet
  2. Color Smudge brushes
  3. Curve brushes
  4. Deform brushes
  5. Dyna (Dynamic) brushes
  6. Experiment brushes
  7. Grid brushes
  8. Particle brushes
  9. Luonnos siveltimet
  10. Spray brushes

Tuetut Tiedostomuodot

The following file formats can be opened directly by Krita. However, you can only save directly to native supported formats. Use export to save files in formats which are not natively supported. Depending on your operating system and building environment, some file formats may not be supported.

Native Load and Save

  1. Krita document (.kra)
  2. OpenRaster Archiving image (.ora)
  3. PPM image
  4. PGM image
  5. PBM image
  6. PNG image
  7. JPEG image
  8. Windows BMP image
  9. XPM image
  10. XBM image
  11. TIFF image
  12. EXR image

Import and Export

  1. Open Document Drawing
  2. Photoshop image (.psd)
  3. GIMP image (.xcr)
  4. PDF document
  5. GIF image
  6. Nikon NEF raw image
  7. Canon CR2 raw image
  8. Sony SR2 raw image
  9. Canon CRW raw image
  10. Pentax PEF raw image
  11. Sigma X3F raw image
  12. Kodak KDC raw image
  13. Minolta MRW raw image
  14. Sony ARW raw image
  15. Kodak K25 raw image
  16. Kodak DCR raw image
  17. Olympus ORF raw image
  18. Panasonic raw image
  19. Panasonic raw2 kuva
  20. Fuji RAF raw kuva
  21. Sony SRF raw kuva
  22. Adobe DNG negative
  23. SVG kuva
  24. pakattu SVG kuva
  25. WMF kuva
  26. Wordperfect / Drawperfect kuva
  1. Karbon14 piirros
  2. EPS
  3. PS document

Draft Krita 2 Handbook

Krita needs a new handbook: the 1.6 handbook is completely obsolete. Please find the ongoing draft effort at Krita 2 Manual and help out with new content.

Getting Krita

Krita can be downloaded as a part of Calligra Suite.

More Information

Hints, Tips and Tutorials

Tutorials on UserBase

Video tutorials

Comics with Krita DVD Tutorial