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|[[Image:Snapshot krita tysontan.png|thumb|250px|'''Krita''' 2.4 の、右クリック クイック アクセス リングが表示された状態 -- イラストの作者: [[User:TysonTan|Tyson Tan]]]]||[[Image:Krita64x64logo.png|64px|right|Kritaロゴ (2.4時点)]]'''Krita、KDEのデジタル彩色・描画アプリケーション'''
|[[Image:Snapshot krita tysontan.png|thumb|250px|'''Krita''' 2.4 with right-click quick access ring shown -- painting by [[User:TysonTan|Tyson Tan]]]]||[[Image:Krita64x64logo.png|64px|right|Krita Logo (as of 2.4)]]'''Krita, the KDE digital painting and drawing application'''

Designed for digital painting, concept art, comics and texture creation, modelled on existing real painting tools. Feature rich, with an ergonomic and flexible user interface.

最新情報はKritaオフィシャルサイトをご覧ください: [http://krita.org Krita.org]
Visit Krita's official website for up to date information:[http://krita.org Krita.org]

== Kritaマニュアル ==
== Krita Manual ==

'''Krita'''に関して疑問がありますか? もっと深く知りたいですか? ぜひ[[Special:MyLanguage/Krita/Manual|Krita 2 マニュアル]]を読んでください! また[https://jp.krita.org/ Kritaのサイト]には次期バージョンであるKrita3の情報があります。
'''Krita''' Questions? Want to dig deeper? Read the [https://docs.krita.org/Main_Page Krita site] for documentation for the upcoming Krita 3.

== イントロダクション ==
== Introduction ==

'''Krita''' はデジタルペインティング、画像編集、コンセプトアート、コミックス、ゲームアートもしくは 3D モデルのテクスチャ作成、といった用途に適した、無料でクロスプラットフォームな創作アプリケーションです。現実の画材や工程を模してデザインされていますが、レイヤーやフィルター、ペクターパス描写、タイポグラフィーといったデジタル・アーティストが求める機能や、統合されたカラーマネジメント補助機能も搭載されています。 '''Krita''' [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|Calligra]] プラットホームを基盤とした[[Special:myLanguage/An introduction to KDE|KDE]] アプリケーションです。
'''Krita''' is a free and cross-platform creativity application for digital painting, image manipulation, concept art, comics and the creation of textures for things like game art or 3D models. It is designed around existing real-world painting materials and artist workflows, but it is also packed with functions digital artists require, like layers, filters, vector-based path drawing, typography tools, and built-in color-management support. '''Krita''' is a [[Special:myLanguage/An introduction to KDE|KDE]] application based on the [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|Calligra]] platform.

=== 特徴 ===
=== Features ===

* 描いたり塗ったりという日常的な作業をより快適にするため、アーティストを念頭に置いてデザインされています
* Designed specifically for artists, to promote natural drawing and painting workflows

* カラーホイール、カラー履歴、お気に入りのブラシ等を内蔵したユニークな「アーティスト・パレット」を右クリックで利用できます。
* Unique "Artist Palette" with color wheel, color history and favorite brushes is available with right-click

* 多様で高度な設定が可能なブラシ・エンジンによって自然媒体の模倣、あるいは新たな独自のブラシ・ストロークを創作することが出来ます。
* Multiple highly configurable brush engines create endless opportunities to mimic natural media or create new and unique brush strokes.

* 不透明度調整機能はもちろん、乗算、オーバーレイ、スクリーンその他の多彩なレイヤーモードが使え、それぞれのモードは細かく調整することができます
* Layers offer standard Blending Modes, including multiply, overlay, screen, etc...) as well as opacity control, however, they also provide adjustments and fine tuning within specific layer types.

* ベクターレイヤーをサポートしており、複雑なパスやカーブ、テキスト状のオブジェクトを作成・編集できます
* Supports Vector Layers with the ability to create and edit complex Path, Curve or Text-based objects.

* オートセーブができます (保存間隔は1分以上)
* Supports Autosave (1+ min >)

* ツールバーやショートカット、ドラッグ&ドロップで動かせるパネルをユーザがカスタマイズすることができます
* Supports User-customizable toolbar, shortcuts and drag-and-drop panels.

* GIMPやAdobe Photoshopの形式を含む、多くのフォーマットをサポート
* Wide range document formats support, including GIMP and Adobe Photoshop

* 内蔵されたカラーマネージメントシステムはRGB、CMYK、L*a*bなどの色空間変換に対応しています
* Built-in Color Management System, supports color space conversion, RGB, CMYK and L*a*b, etc.

* OpenShiva、Python、 Ruby scriptsによる拡張が可能
* Extensible through OpenShiva, Python or Ruby scripts

* 多くのGNU/Linux ディストリビューション, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows そして Mac OSXに対応するクロスプラットフォーム
* Cross-platform, supports various GNU/Linux distributions, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX

== インターフェイス ==
== Interface ==

'''Krita''' has a highly flexible and user-friendly interface. Nearly all aspects of the interface, including the toolbar, keyboard shortcuts and specific tool options through the movable tabbed panels, or Dockers can be customized to suit the specific needs of an individual or team.  Dockers are panels that can be moved around the screen through familiar drag-and-drop gestures.  Using these tools a personally customized task-based workspace can be created in minutes.  Each workspace can be uniquely named, saved and recalled for later use.  When combined with the right-click accessible Artist Palette pop-up, an artist can create a seamless experience customized specifically to their needs, whether it is project-based or based more on personal workflow requirements.

=== ツールバー ===
=== Toolbars ===

Kritaでは右クリックで簡単にツールバーをカスタマイズできます。Kritaには「ファイル類」ツールバーと「ブラシ類」ツールバーの2つのツールバーがあります。あらゆる機能のツールバーへの追加と削除が可能で、テキスト位置やアイコンのサイズ、並びの変更も可能です。ボタンのテキストは変更可能で、さらにお望みのアイコンに変更することでオーバーラップさせることもできます(要KDE plasma workspace )。ツールバーのカスタマイズ時には、機能リストを検索することができます。
Krita allows users to easily right-click and customize its toolbars. There are two toolbars in Krita: "Files" toolbar and "Brushes and Stuff" toolbar. You may add or remove whatever functions of the toolbars, change text position, icon size and order. Texts on the button can be changed or even overlapped by assigning any desirable icons to them (with KDE plasma workspace installed). While customizing toolbars, the function list is searchable.

=== ショートカット ===
=== Shortcuts ===

A powerful feature in Krita is the ability to assign/reassign keyboard shortcuts.  The user is encouraged to assign both the main shortcut and an alternative shortcut to a single command. While customizing shortcuts, the command list is searchable and the users is notified of any conflicting commands.

Krita lets you set up shortcuts that both speed your own workflow, emulate another software package or, perhaps, both.

=== ドッカー ===
=== Dockers ===

Dockers are movable panels that each contain a specific set of tools.  They are moved around the screen using familiar drag-and-drop gestures and can be placed either floating directly on the canvas or docked in one of the multiple docking areas.  Dockers may be sized horizontally and vertically. Multiple dockers can be grouped in a shared space and switched between them by clicking on their tabs. By right-clicking on the title area of any panels you can easily add or remove panels from a complete list. A docker can also be collapsed to save space by clicking on its down arrow in the upper left corner.

=== パレット ===
=== Palette ===

Kritaには2種類のパレットがあります。ペイント&ドローイングソフトではお馴染みの、よく目にするタイプのプリセットのカラーパレット(カラープリセットドッカー)と、カラーセレクター、カラーヒストリー、お気に入りのブラシにクイックアクセスが可能な斬新な「アーティストパレット」です。このパレットはキャンバス上を右クリックすることで呼び出すことができるので、色の変更やツールの切り替えの煩わしさから解放され、作業により集中できます。タグで区分けされたブラシセットから選ぶだけでなく、<menuchoice>パレットに保存(Save to Palette)</menuchoice>ボタンをクリックすることでお気に入りのブラシをパレットに追加することもできます。
There are two kinds of palettes in Krita: the ordinary palette for color presets (Color Preset Docker), and the not-so-ordinary Artist Palette pop-up used for quick access to color selector, color history and favorite brushes. This quick access palette can be called up by right-clicking anywhere on the canvas, which liberates the artist from the interruption in switching among colors and tools, thus providing a more immersive user experience. Favorite brushes can be added to the palette by clicking on the toolbar button <menuchoice>Save to Palette</menuchoice>, as well as selecting from any number of tag-based group of brush sets.

=== ブラシ システム ===
=== Brush System ===

Krita has a powerful and highly customizable brush system modeled on various existing real-world drawing tools. In brush settings different genres of tools are grouped separately, each of them has tens of specified options which allow artists to adjust them thoroughly. On the right-side of the brush setting window is a sketchpad where you may test the current brush settings.  The background color and sketchpad gradient can be altered by clicking the icons beneath it.

ブラシツールを使用(ツールボックスの「ブラシで描く(Paint with brushes)」を選択)している時は、キャンパス上で<keycap>Shift</keycap> を押しながら水平方向にドラッグすることで、ブラシサイズをかえることができます。<keycap>Ctrl</keycap>を押している間は一時的にカラーピッカーに変わります。マウスホイールをクリックしているときはキャンバスの移動になります。右クリックで クイックパレット。ツールバーにブラシの不透明度と流量の2つのスライダーを目にするかも知れませんが、ここには同時に2つまでしかスライダーを表示できません。スライダーを別のものに変更したい時はスライダー右の三角をクリックし、現れた一覧のプラスボタンをクリックすることで変えられます。
While using the brush tool ("Paint with brushes" in toolbox), you may change brush size by holding <keycap>Shift</keycap> and drag brush-tip horizontally on the canvas. By holding <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> you temporarily switch to color-picker. By holding middle-mouse button you can move canvas. Right-click for the quick palette. Quick sliders of Opacity, Flow and Size can be found on Krita's brush toolbar, while only two can be shown at the same time, you may click the plus button on the right to switch between different sliders.

==== 安定版ブラシ(Stable Brushes) ====
==== Stable Brushes ====

# ピクセルブラシ(Pixel Brush) (デフォルトのブラシ)
# Pixel (Normal) brushes
# ぼかしブラシ(Smudge brush)
# Smudge brushes
# 複製ブラシ(Duplicate brush)
# Duplicate brushes
# フィルター ブラシ
# Filter brushes
# 髪の毛ブラシ(Hairy brush)
# Hairy brushes
# ハッチブラシ(Hatching brush)
# Hatching brushes

==== 試験版ブラシ(Experimental Brush) ====
==== Experimental Brushes ====

# チョーク ブラシ
# Chalk brushes
# カラーぼかしブラシ(Color Smudge brush)
# Color Smudge brushes
# カーブブラシ(Curve brush)
# Curve brushes
# 変形ブラシ(Deform brush)
# Deform brushes
#ダイナ(ミック)ブラシ (Dyna brush)
# Dyna (Dynamic) brushes
# エクスペリメントブラシ(Experiment brush)
# Experiment brushes
# グリッドブラシ(Grid brush)
# Grid brushes
# パーティクルブラシ(Particle brush)
# Particle brushes
# スケッチブラシ(Sketch brush)
# Sketch brushes
# スプレー ブラシ
# Spray brushes

プレース ホルダー
Place holder

=== 色セレクター ===
=== Color Selector ===
=== レイヤー ミキサー ===
=== Layer Mixer ===
===フィルター ===
=== Filters ===

== 対応するファイル形式 ==
== Supported File Formats ==

The following file formats can be opened directly by Krita. However, you can only save directly to native supported formats. Use export to save files in formats which are not natively supported. Depending on your operating system and building environment, some file formats may not be supported.

=== ネイティブでの読み込みと保存に対応するファイル形式===
=== Native Load and Save ===

# Krita 文書 (.kra)
# Krita document (.kra)
# OpenRaster Archiving 画像 (.ora)
# OpenRaster Archiving image (.ora)
# PPM 画像
# PPM image
# PGM 画像
# PGM image
# PBM 画像
# PBM image
# PNG 画像
# PNG image
# JPEG 画像
# JPEG image
# Windows BMP 画像
# Windows BMP image
# XPM 画像
# XPM image
# XBM 画像
# XBM image
# TIFF 画像
# TIFF image
# EXR 画像
# EXR image

=== インポートとエクスポートに対応するファイル形式===
=== Import and Export ===

# Open Document Drawing  
# Open Document Drawing  
# Photoshop 画像 (.psd)
# Photoshop image (.psd)
# GIMP 画像 (.xcr)
# GIMP image (.xcr)
# PDF 文書
# PDF document
# GIF 画像
# GIF image
# Nikon NEF raw 画像
# Nikon NEF raw image
# Canon CR2 raw 画像
# Canon CR2 raw image
# Sony SR2 raw 画像
# Sony SR2 raw image
# Canon CRW raw形式
# Canon CRW raw image
# Pentax PEF raw形式
# Pentax PEF raw image
# Sigma X3F raw形式
# Sigma X3F raw image
# Kodak KDC raw形式
# Kodak KDC raw image
# Minolta MRW raw形式
# Minolta MRW raw image
# Sony ARW raw形式
# Sony ARW raw image
# Kodak K25 raw形式
# Kodak K25 raw image
# Kodak DCR raw形式
# Kodak DCR raw image
# Olympus ORF raw形式
# Olympus ORF raw image
# Panasonic raw形式
# Panasonic raw image
# Panasonic raw2形式
# Panasonic raw2 image
# Fuji RAF raw形式
# Fuji RAF raw image
# Sony SRF raw形式
# Sony SRF raw image
# Adobe DNG 形式
# Adobe DNG negative
# SVG形式
# SVG image
# compressed SVG image
# WMF形式
# WMF image
# Wordperfect / Drawperfect 形式
# Wordperfect / Drawperfect image
# Karbon14形式
# Karbon14 drawing
# EPS形式
# PostScriptドキュメント
# PS document

== Kritaの入手 ==
== Getting Krita ==

'''Krita''' [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra/Download|Calligra Suite]]の一部として、あるいは[https://jp.krita.org/download/krita-desktop// Kritaのウェブサイト]から入手できます。
'''Krita''' can be downloaded as a part of [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra/Download|Calligra Suite]] or get it directly from [https://krita.org/download/krita-desktop/ Krita's website].

== 詳細情報 ==
== More Information ==

* [http://krita.org/ Krita ホームページ]
* [http://krita.org/ Krita Homepage]

* [http://www.krita.org/faq Krita のよくある質問]
* [http://www.krita.org/faq Krita FAQ]

* [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop Krita メーリングリスト]
* [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kimageshop Krita Mailing list]

* [http://www.calligra.org/ Calligra Suite ホームページ]
* [http://www.calligra.org/ Calligra Suite Homepage]

* [irc://chat.freenode.net/#krita Kritaの開発とユーザーヘルプIRC チャンネル]
* [irc://chat.freenode.net/#krita Krita development and user help IRC channel]

* [http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=136 Krita ユーザーフォーラム]
* [http://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=136 Krita user forums]

== ヒント、Tips、チュートリアル ==
== Hints, Tips and Tutorials ==

==== ユーザーベース(UserBase)のチュートリアル ====
==== Tutorials on UserBase ====

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 1|チュートリアル 1]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 1|Tutorial 1]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 2|チュートリアル 2]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 2|Tutorial 2]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 3A|チュートリアル: ブラシ]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 3A|Tutorial: Brushes]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 4A|チュートリアル: ピクセル ブラシ I]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 4A|Tutorial: Pixel Brushes I]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 4B|チュートリアル: ピクセル ブラシ II]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 4B|Tutorial: Pixel Brushes II]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 5|チュートリアル: カラーぼかしブラシ]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 5|Tutorial: Color Smudge Brushes]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 6|チュートリアル: カーブブラシ・パーティクルブラシ・ダイナブラシ]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 6|Tutorial: Curve, Particle and Dyna brushes]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 7|チュートリアル: スケッチブラシ・髪の毛ブラシ・チョークブラシ]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 7|Tutorial: Sketch, Hairy and Chalk brushes]]

* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 8|チュートリアル: ハッチブラシ・グリッドブラシ・スプレーブラシ・試験的なブラシ]]
* [[Special:myLanguage/Krita/Tutorial 8|Tutorial: Hatching, Grid, Spray and Experiment brushes]]

==== 動画チュートリアル ====
==== Video tutorials ====

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=738kyim12G0 Wacom Graphire 4 classic kubuntu Gutsy ubuntu debian] はどのディストリビューションのユーザーにとっても、タブレットのセットアップに役立つビデオチュートリアルです。
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=738kyim12G0 Wacom Graphire 4 classic kubuntu Gutsy ubuntu debian] is a video tutorial that should help users of any distro in their setup of the tablet.

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ngov6Xh8Zew コンポジションドッカー入門]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ngov6Xh8Zew Introduction to the Compositions Docker]

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnol3izUXvA ブラシマスク作成のチュートリアル]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnol3izUXvA Brush mask creation tips]

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IneodMMWdZg ブラシ サイズの変更]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IneodMMWdZg Changing the brush size]

* [https://www.youtube.com/c/gdquest GDQuest's video tutorials]
* [https://www.youtube.com/c/gdquest GDQuest's video tutorials]

==== コミックとチュートリアルDVDのセット ====
==== Comics with Krita DVD Tutorial ====

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiOvekdqC9Q インターフェイス]  
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiOvekdqC9Q Interface]  

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7fPGrpwtWg 枠線]  
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7fPGrpwtWg Frames]  

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg74sKO8uz0 スケッチ]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg74sKO8uz0 Sketch]

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lslR6jlU4zE インク]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lslR6jlU4zE Ink]

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecPfsjbtgEw ]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecPfsjbtgEw Color]

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmm747kSqNA エクスポート]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmm747kSqNA Export]


Revision as of 18:30, 23 February 2018

Krita 2.4 with right-click quick access ring shown -- painting by Tyson Tan
Krita Logo (as of 2.4)
Krita Logo (as of 2.4)
Krita, the KDE digital painting and drawing application

Designed for digital painting, concept art, comics and texture creation, modelled on existing real painting tools. Feature rich, with an ergonomic and flexible user interface.

Visit Krita's official website for up to date information:Krita.org

Krita Manual

Krita Questions? Want to dig deeper? Read the Krita site for documentation for the upcoming Krita 3.


Krita is a free and cross-platform creativity application for digital painting, image manipulation, concept art, comics and the creation of textures for things like game art or 3D models. It is designed around existing real-world painting materials and artist workflows, but it is also packed with functions digital artists require, like layers, filters, vector-based path drawing, typography tools, and built-in color-management support. Krita is a KDE application based on the Calligra platform.


  • Designed specifically for artists, to promote natural drawing and painting workflows
  • Unique "Artist Palette" with color wheel, color history and favorite brushes is available with right-click
  • Multiple highly configurable brush engines create endless opportunities to mimic natural media or create new and unique brush strokes.
  • Layers offer standard Blending Modes, including multiply, overlay, screen, etc...) as well as opacity control, however, they also provide adjustments and fine tuning within specific layer types.
  • Supports Vector Layers with the ability to create and edit complex Path, Curve or Text-based objects.
  • Supports Autosave (1+ min >)
  • Supports User-customizable toolbar, shortcuts and drag-and-drop panels.
  • Wide range document formats support, including GIMP and Adobe Photoshop
  • Built-in Color Management System, supports color space conversion, RGB, CMYK and L*a*b, etc.
  • Extensible through OpenShiva, Python or Ruby scripts
  • Cross-platform, supports various GNU/Linux distributions, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX


Krita has a highly flexible and user-friendly interface. Nearly all aspects of the interface, including the toolbar, keyboard shortcuts and specific tool options through the movable tabbed panels, or Dockers can be customized to suit the specific needs of an individual or team. Dockers are panels that can be moved around the screen through familiar drag-and-drop gestures. Using these tools a personally customized task-based workspace can be created in minutes. Each workspace can be uniquely named, saved and recalled for later use. When combined with the right-click accessible Artist Palette pop-up, an artist can create a seamless experience customized specifically to their needs, whether it is project-based or based more on personal workflow requirements.


Krita allows users to easily right-click and customize its toolbars. There are two toolbars in Krita: "Files" toolbar and "Brushes and Stuff" toolbar. You may add or remove whatever functions of the toolbars, change text position, icon size and order. Texts on the button can be changed or even overlapped by assigning any desirable icons to them (with KDE plasma workspace installed). While customizing toolbars, the function list is searchable.


A powerful feature in Krita is the ability to assign/reassign keyboard shortcuts. The user is encouraged to assign both the main shortcut and an alternative shortcut to a single command. While customizing shortcuts, the command list is searchable and the users is notified of any conflicting commands.

Krita lets you set up shortcuts that both speed your own workflow, emulate another software package or, perhaps, both.


Dockers are movable panels that each contain a specific set of tools. They are moved around the screen using familiar drag-and-drop gestures and can be placed either floating directly on the canvas or docked in one of the multiple docking areas. Dockers may be sized horizontally and vertically. Multiple dockers can be grouped in a shared space and switched between them by clicking on their tabs. By right-clicking on the title area of any panels you can easily add or remove panels from a complete list. A docker can also be collapsed to save space by clicking on its down arrow in the upper left corner.


There are two kinds of palettes in Krita: the ordinary palette for color presets (Color Preset Docker), and the not-so-ordinary Artist Palette pop-up used for quick access to color selector, color history and favorite brushes. This quick access palette can be called up by right-clicking anywhere on the canvas, which liberates the artist from the interruption in switching among colors and tools, thus providing a more immersive user experience. Favorite brushes can be added to the palette by clicking on the toolbar button Save to Palette, as well as selecting from any number of tag-based group of brush sets.

Brush System

Krita has a powerful and highly customizable brush system modeled on various existing real-world drawing tools. In brush settings different genres of tools are grouped separately, each of them has tens of specified options which allow artists to adjust them thoroughly. On the right-side of the brush setting window is a sketchpad where you may test the current brush settings. The background color and sketchpad gradient can be altered by clicking the icons beneath it.

While using the brush tool ("Paint with brushes" in toolbox), you may change brush size by holding Shift and drag brush-tip horizontally on the canvas. By holding Ctrl you temporarily switch to color-picker. By holding middle-mouse button you can move canvas. Right-click for the quick palette. Quick sliders of Opacity, Flow and Size can be found on Krita's brush toolbar, while only two can be shown at the same time, you may click the plus button on the right to switch between different sliders.

Stable Brushes

  1. Pixel (Normal) brushes
  2. Smudge brushes
  3. Duplicate brushes
  4. Filter brushes
  5. Hairy brushes
  6. Hatching brushes

Experimental Brushes

  1. Chalk brushes
  2. Color Smudge brushes
  3. Curve brushes
  4. Deform brushes
  5. Dyna (Dynamic) brushes
  6. Experiment brushes
  7. Grid brushes
  8. Particle brushes
  9. Sketch brushes
  10. Spray brushes

Supported File Formats

The following file formats can be opened directly by Krita. However, you can only save directly to native supported formats. Use export to save files in formats which are not natively supported. Depending on your operating system and building environment, some file formats may not be supported.

Native Load and Save

  1. Krita document (.kra)
  2. OpenRaster Archiving image (.ora)
  3. PPM image
  4. PGM image
  5. PBM image
  6. PNG image
  7. JPEG image
  8. Windows BMP image
  9. XPM image
  10. XBM image
  11. TIFF image
  12. EXR image

Import and Export

  1. Open Document Drawing
  2. Photoshop image (.psd)
  3. GIMP image (.xcr)
  4. PDF document
  5. GIF image
  6. Nikon NEF raw image
  7. Canon CR2 raw image
  8. Sony SR2 raw image
  9. Canon CRW raw image
  10. Pentax PEF raw image
  11. Sigma X3F raw image
  12. Kodak KDC raw image
  13. Minolta MRW raw image
  14. Sony ARW raw image
  15. Kodak K25 raw image
  16. Kodak DCR raw image
  17. Olympus ORF raw image
  18. Panasonic raw image
  19. Panasonic raw2 image
  20. Fuji RAF raw image
  21. Sony SRF raw image
  22. Adobe DNG negative
  23. SVG image
  24. compressed SVG image
  25. WMF image
  26. Wordperfect / Drawperfect image
  27. Karbon14 drawing
  28. EPS
  29. PS document

Getting Krita

Krita can be downloaded as a part of Calligra Suite or get it directly from Krita's website.

More Information

Hints, Tips and Tutorials

Tutorials on UserBase

Video tutorials

Comics with Krita DVD Tutorial