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Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Created page with 'Indholdsbrowser'
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Created page with 'Dette er den centrale del af panelet ''Mediekilder'', hvor du kan få en liste over al den musik, der er i din samling. Indholdsbrowseren lader dig vælge hvordan dine spor skal ...'
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=== Indholdsbrowser ===
=== Indholdsbrowser ===

This is the central part of the ''Media Sources pane'' that allows you to list the music that you have in your collection. The Content browser allows you to select the sort order of your track lists as well as the detail in which you wish to see your music.  
Dette er den centrale del af panelet ''Mediekilder'', hvor du kan få en liste over al den musik, der er i din samling. Indholdsbrowseren lader dig vælge hvordan dine spor skal sorteres i listen og hvilke detaljer du vil se.  

=== Playlist ===
=== Playlist ===

Revision as of 07:51, 22 August 2010



Dette er en måde at navigere i et hierarkisk filsystem; i Amarok findes de nær toppen af panelet Mediekilder. Med udgangspunkt i hjemmemappen viser de, hvor dybt man har navigeret i filsystemet. Når du er gået til et bestemt sted i filsystemet, så vil du se alle mapperne ovenover. I Amarok lader linket > mellem mapper dig finde ud af, hvilke andre mapper der findes på dette niveau. Brødkrummerne er en effektiv måde at navigere i hele din maskines filsystem.


Alle lydfiler, som Amarok har samlet i databasen. Din samling kan variere i størrelse og indhold af musikspor afhængigt af hvilke enheder (så som musik-cd'er eller musikafspillere), der er tilsluttede og monterede på din computer.


Dette er den centrale del af panelet Mediekilder, hvor du kan få en liste over al den musik, der er i din samling. Indholdsbrowseren lader dig vælge hvordan dine spor skal sorteres i listen og hvilke detaljer du vil se.


A selection of tracks from your collection that you wish to play. Some portable music players have predefined playlists that are likely to differ from your Amarok playlists.


Amarok plugin to extend functionality. Scripts are available from Tools -> Script Manager. Add more lyrics sources, more streaming stations, save covers to your album folders, burn CDs from playlists, etc.


To scrobble a track means that as you listen to it, the title of the track and artist are sent to a Web site such as Last.fm, where the information is added to your profile.

Stream, streaming

Like 20th-century radio stations, Internet radio stations send out "streams" of content. One can find music, news, commentary and opinion. Many streams can be accessed through Amarok, either through scripts such as Cool Streams, or individually added by menu (Playlist -> Add Stream).


The information about each of the tracks you listen to, e.g. album name, track title, composer, artist, year, etc. There is a standard called ID3 for including this information on audio CDs. You can edit the tags of individual tracks within Amarok if the file permissions are correct.