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Plasma application launchers/zh-tw: Difference between revisions

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)
m Created page with '經典菜單'
Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)
m Created page with '或是直接用添加元件介面,或是右擊 Kickoff,選擇“切換到經典菜單樣式”都可,這種程式啟動器提供經典的分層菜單,這種菜單容易...'
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:Available from either the Add Widets interface or by right-clicking on Kickoff and selecting "Switch to Classic Menu Style", this application launcher provides a classical hierarchical menu that is easily customized to give quick access to various useful applications and services.
:或是直接用添加元件介面,或是右擊 Kickoff,選擇“切換到經典菜單樣式”都可,這種程式啟動器提供經典的分層菜單,這種菜單容易定制來快速訪問各種實用的程式和服務。

Revision as of 12:38, 2 September 2010

There are alternative "start menu" style Plasma application launchers in the KDE platform, including: Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar

現在默認的程式啟動器,一個點擊打開型的菜單。Kickoff 有搜索功能,可以透过输入程式名称或描述来找到该程式。
Lancelot 是個強大的程式啟動器,可以放置啟動菜單到面板上。Lancelot 提供搜索功能,所以你只要知道程式名稱就不必透過才到那一層層來找到它。
或是直接用添加元件介面,或是右擊 Kickoff,選擇“切換到經典菜單樣式”都可,這種程式啟動器提供經典的分層菜單,這種菜單容易定制來快速訪問各種實用的程式和服務。

There is also KRunner, which replaces the "run command" dialog, blurs the lines between desktop search, application launcher and command executor and provides a quick way to run applications or open documents.