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From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 06:51, 17 June 2011 by Fengchao (talk | contribs) (Created page with ":13px 不针对开发者 - [http://techbase.kde.org Techbase] 才是放开发文章的地方")



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所有内容应该与 KDE 软件直接或间接的相关。相关的内容包括:

针对新用户 - 帮助上手
针对一般用户 - 学习新功能和技巧
针对高级用户 - 但放到一个子页面里。
不针对开发者 - Techbase 才是放开发文章的地方

Ways to Contribute

Update Existing Content

Add New Pages

  • Create a new page, showcase an application, introduce a new concept.
  • Write a manual. You need to know an application quite well, and probably to be in contact with the author. We can help you.

Working with Languages


It's important to be consistent, particularly in Manuals, so here are some general rules:
  • Take care with heading levels - we start at second level (Mediawiki uses top level for page-name), using ==
  • Make application name formatting consistent (avoid using Amaroks, do use Amarok's).
  • Ensure that all images are in PNG format (you can use JPEG (.jpeg, not .jpg) as well, but in this case you should convert your images to PNG later. Save work by converting them before you start .
  • Remove all non-printable characters from image names.

Hints and Tips

Some Preferences that will help -

  • If you don't have [edit] links against the sections, open your My Preferences (in the Personal Tools section of the sidebar) then look for Editing and in the Advanced Options set Enable section editing via [edit] links
  • While you are in those settings, enable Show preview on first edit - while you are editing you can glance at the original display for reference
  • The default display is to show the preview first, with the edit box below. If you prefer the edit box at the top you can change that setting in the same place