Struttura della pagina
This page lays out the sections that we would like to see in an ideal page. You should aim to get as many of the sections into your page as is practicable.
Strumenti disponibili
- Cassetta degli attrezzi ti mostra la sintassi del wiki per ottenere quello di cui hai bisogno.
- Linee guida tipografiche rende standardizzata la sintassi in ottica di traduzione nei manuali ufficiali (DocBook) o in altre lingue.
Sezioni =
Sezione | Descrizione | Rilevanza |
Selettore della lingua | La barra delle lingue i18n precedentemente utilizzata non funziona con TranslateWiki. Non utilizzarla. Verrà creata una nuova barra delle lingue al momento della creazione della prima traduzione. | deprecato |
Image header | A two-cell table containing a header, laid out with {|class="tablecenter vertical-centered" |[[Image:Image.png|300px]] |Short description |} |
important |
Features | A brief feature list, under a heading, and consisting of bullet points. These are indented by default - no need to specify indentation. | important |
Details | One or more heading giving more in-depth information about using the application | optional |
Screenshots | Screenshots to illustrate the above, whenever feasible. These will usually be thumbnails, clickable for enlargement. The size will usually be in the range of 300px to 500px. | important |
Hints and Tips | Short tips to increase productivity | optional |
Troubleshooting | List them here or in a subpage | optional |
Weblinks | Links to
important if existing |
Category | The category will normally be the name of the applications list that points to your page, e.g. applications listed under Applications/Office would show the statement [[Category:Office]]. | important |
Please make regular checks of the pages relevant to your work (linked from Tasks and Tools) and also Typographical Guidelines as these are updated whenever new issues are noted.