Uvod u KDE
Dobrodošli u KDE zajednicu i UserBase wiki. Bilo da ste potpuno novi korisnik KDE programa, ili ih koristite već duže vrijeme, ova stranica će vam zasigurno pomoći da naučite više o KDE zajednici i KDE programima. Za početak nešto da vam otvori apetit!
Here's an example of a KDE desktop. Please take note that it may look differently depending on your version of the software, and distribution. As an example, here is a screenshot of a desktop from the 4.x series, the latest version of the Software Compilation:

You can see more screenshots of current and previous releases in the Screenshots page.
Let's Go!
Now that we've got your attention, it's time to get to know KDE, up close and personal.
- What is KDE? - Get to know what KDE is (and some other interesting things)
- Quick Start - Whether you are just beginning to find your way around, or ready to contribute, this is your springboard
- Glossary - Let's talk the KDE talk
- Live CDs - Try out KDE software, without installing!
- All about Plasma - Tame that funky, shiny new beast on your desktop
- Getting Help - How and where to find help