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From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 14:28, 19 July 2011 by MirzaD (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Bez sumnje je da trenutno imate mnoga pitanja, i '''UsetBase''' izgleda kompleksno na prvi pogled, ali budite sigurni da su vam ovdje dostupne razne stranice koje će vam pomoći...")

Novi na UserBase-u

UserBase može čitati svako. Ako želite pomoći UserBase-u trebate imati registrovani račun, a prednosti su slijedeće:

  • Dobijate korisničko ime korisničku stranicu na kojoj možete praviti nacrte.
  • Možete primati notifikacije u slučaju promjene sadržaja na odabranim stranicama.
  • Vaše korisničko ima vam omogućava da drugi lagano prepoznaju vaš radi i doprinos.
  • Postajete dio KDE zajednice.
  • ... i još mnogo toga!

Registracija je izuzetno brza i jednostavna, za više informacija nastavite čitati.

Kreiranje korisničkog računa

Na dnu desne bočne trake vidjet ćete opciju "Prijavi se / Registruj se" ili za englesku jezičku varijantu "Log in / create account". Ova opcija se koristi u slučaju da kreirate novi korisnički račun ili da se prijavljujete na postojeći. Odaberite tu opciju, izaberite korisničko ime i šifru, i registrovani ste. Primijetit ćete da ispod teksta Lični Alati desno stoji vaše korisničko ime, pored ostalih opcija. Odvojite malo vremena da se upoznate sa ovim opcijama te posjetite neke od stranica koje vam se nude, naročito stranicu "Moje postavke" gdje možete podesiti vremensku zonu pod karticom "Datum i vrijeme".

Bez sumnje je da trenutno imate mnoga pitanja, i UsetBase izgleda kompleksno na prvi pogled, ali budite sigurni da su vam ovdje dostupne razne stranice koje će vam pomoći na početku, i odgovoriti na neka vaša pitanja.

Finding Pages in the same Category

At the bottom of a page you should find a category link, which will look like [[Category:Getting Started]]. If a page is relevant to more than one category it might look something like [[Category:Getting Started|Contributing]]. If you hover over the category statement (the real one, not this display dummy) you will see that each of those categories is a link to another page. On that page you will find a listing of related pages.

Starting to Contribute to English pages

All new content must be in English. The reason is that the translation system allows changes on the English pages to be passed for translation. It is not possible to operate in the reverse, changing a translated page and passing the change back to the English page.

When you are logged in you have an Edit icon (or tab, depending on the theme you use) on every page. Your "My preferences" link will also give you the choice of having edit links for each section. These can be used to make a small edit or add a snippet to an existing page. You might also find it useful to set "Preview" as a default. You will find guidelines on the Modify a Page page.

If you are interested in creating a whole page (or series of pages), you will find a short introduction to relevance of content and on the same page there are links to How-To pages for most common tasks.

Whatever happens, you are not alone. If you hit a problem don't be afraid to ask. Use "Discussion" pages for questions about the topics under discussion - they are usually picked up quite quickly. There is also a forum topic for questions about editing. Quick questions that don't need a lengthy answer can also be asked on Freenode IRC, channel #kde-www.

You will find help for many common tasks on the Tasks and Tools page

Above all, we want UserBase to be an enjoyable experience, both for readers and contributors.

Working with page translation

If you want to get started in translating documents, you will find information on Translate a Page. Use the sidebar link to apply for adding to the Translator group. The sidebar link Translation Tools is a good way to monitor what is happening to translations to your language.