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教學/KDE3 to KDE SC 4

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Revision as of 13:35, 6 September 2011 by Qiii2006 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "高級使用者可能喜歡學習創建USB設備規則。可以在[http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html the writing udev rules guide]查看文檔。")


This page is outdated and most issues noted (USB automount, etc) are no longer valid or solved in other ways. Feel free to add your few cents.

SC 4?那是什麽? KDE打包了很多程式進核心軟體包(core packages)。它們被稱為軟體彙集(Software Compilation)。為方便起見,我們縮寫它為SC 4。

乍看之下,KDE SC 4 缺少一些在 KDE 3 中有價值的功能。事實上,大多數的功能都可用,但很可能是用不同的方式操作。想像一下,一個'道路封閉'標誌-您只需選擇替代路線。

一個特別的'缺少功能'案例是從 kcontrol 到系統設定。有些 kcontrol 設定與具體應用程式有關。因此,這些設定已轉移到該應用程式,而不是在一般的控制面板。



KControl不再存在。有着交叉工具圖示的系統設定(Systemsettings)取代了 kcontrol。預設情況下,使用圖示檢視,以組的形式排序。你可能喜歡用配置選項(扳手圖示)切換到傳統樹狀檢視



KDE SC 4 下有兩種類型的桌面,兩者兼有可能是你發行版本的預設值。右擊桌面,選擇桌面設定(有些發行版本又叫外觀設定),選擇你要的類型:桌面(適合喜歡乾淨和清爽桌面的人)或資料夾檢視(這種桌面的操作習慣類似 KDE 3 桌面)。





也試下在krunner(可以用alt+F2或桌面的右鍵關聯選單裡打開)裡輸入名稱(或部分名稱或功能)。Krunner 用的是模糊搜索,所以如果你輸入'write'他會提供的已安裝程式,可能是kwrite,openoffice-writer,kword或googledocs以及所有有關的書籤,你不需要記住太準確。




自動掛載 USB 設備

在 KDE 3 裡你能選擇用插件自動掛載 usb 設備。KDE SC 4 中不一樣。你要手動掛載,或是從設備通知器元件,選擇一個操作,或是點擊 Dolphin 裡的設備圖示。KDE SC 4.2 之後,有個可選的設備通知器 plasmoid支持自動掛載功能。點擊這裡查看。


高級使用者可能喜歡學習創建USB設備規則。可以在the writing udev rules guide查看文檔。


Both these are temporary measures. Automounting may be restored in a later release.

Auto-hide Panels

To achieve this click on the plasma configurations icon (yellow curvy thing at the right hand side of the panel) and select configure panel. Then under more options enable "autohide". Manual hiding, as in KDE3, is currently not possible.

Move applets on the panel

In KDE SC 4 you have to bring up panel control (use the plasma toolbox icon, the yellow curvy thing at the right hand end of the panel). If you lock your widgets (or your distro does by default) you will first need to unlock widgets. This can be done from the right-click menu on the desktop. When your cursor moves over a widget (or plasmoid) it changes to a diamond shape. Use that cursor to drag each widget to its new place.

Finish by clicking on the X in a red circle on the configuration panel, and lock your widgets again if you wish, (right click menu, as before).

Show the application name instead of the description in the K - menu

KDE3 used to let you configure whether you wanted to see the application name (e.g. amarok) or the description (e.g. media player). KDE SC 4 always shows only the description and this makes it very hard to find applications.

If you use 'Kickoff Menu Style', you can easily find an application by typing the first few letters of its name in the "Search" line of the Application Launcher. Once you have found it you can choose to add it to Favorites or to add a launcher icon into the panel or on the desktop.

If you dislike the 'click on everything' style of Kickoff you may like to try Lancelot which has most of the advantages of Kickoff and some nice tricks of its own.

If you prefer the old K menu, then right click the K menu icon and choose Switch to Classic Menu Style. Now you can configure how to show applications in the menu: Right click on the K icon -> Application Launcher settings. Check the Show applications by name option, click OK. Done.


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