
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 14:33, 18 June 2010 by Qiii2006 (talk | contribs) (Created page with ':*.kde4/share/config/akregator.eventsrc :*.kde4/share/config/akregatorrc')

Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar

Kontact 是 KDE 的整合个人信息管理套件。

Kontact套件在同一个程序里整合了众多成熟优秀的KDE PIM程序。得益于强大的KParts 技术, 现有的程序能无缝整合到一起。

KDE Kontact的组件调整的能够彼此良好的工作。这才有某些特性比如在约会处理,任务清单和联系人中的直观的拖放。KDE的Kontact支持各种各样的群组服务器。当使用那些服务器,你的工作组能使用到特性像是共享的电子邮件文件夹,群组任务清单,日历共享,最重要的地址簿和会议安排。




  • 摘要 - Kontact 的摘要界面
  • Akregator - 阅读你最爱的订阅信息
  • KAddressBook - 管理你的联系人
  • KJots - 组织您的主意到一个笔记本中
  • KMail - 电子邮件客户端
  • KNode - 您的Usenet邮件阅读器
  • KNotes - 桌面即时贴
  • KOrganizer - 日历和行程安排,日记
  • KTimeTracker - 追踪您在各种任务中花费的时间


* 用Kontact发送 SMS



  • kdepim-users - 给KDE PIM程序的使用者的(Kontact, KAddressBook, KMail, KOrganizer, KNode, ...) [订阅kdepim-users] [kdepim-users的存档]。一支开发人员和使用者的队伍致力于提供尽可能快的疑问解答。

对于紧急的求助,可以去 Freenode 的 IRC 频道。

  • 适合Kontact使用者和开发人员的频道 - #kontact

FAQ, 提示和技巧


在 Kmail, 右击您的收件箱并选择属性。进入维护(Maintenance)标签页。看下路径,或是.kde4或是.kde。



  • .kde4/share/config/emaildefaults
  • .kde4/share/config/emailidentities
  • .kde4/share/config/kmail.eventsrc
  • .kde4/share/config/kmailrc
  • .kde4/share/config/kaddressbookrc
  • .kde4/share/config/kresources/contact
  • .kde4/share/config/korgacrc
  • .kde4/share/config/korganizerrc
  • .kde4/share/config/knotesrc


  • .kde4/share/apps/kmail
  • .kde4/share/apps/kabc
  • .kde4/share/apps/korganizer
  • .kde4/share/apps/knotes

如果你在 Kontact 里使用 Akregator,你还要:

  • .kde4/share/config/akregator.eventsrc
  • .kde4/share/config/akregatorrc

and the whole .kde4/share/apps/akregator directory.

Of course the simplest way is just to keep your whole home directory. :-)

Just a word of warning. If the directory naming is different between Desktops or between the two versions of your distro, this will not work as there are references to the directories within the config files. This means that if the files were in a .kde directory, you cannot just put them in a .kde4 directory without editing the references within the config files.

Hiding the Kontact Sidebar

On small screens, you may wish to reclaim the space used by the Kontact sidebar. You can replace it with an (editable) toolbar:

  1. Settings->Toolbars->Navigator [x]
  2. Drag the left panel closed using the splitter between it and the main panel, job done.

Enabling SOCKS support in KMail and KNode

Unlike KDE 3, KDE 4 does not have built-in SOCKS support yet. However, it is still possible and relatively simple to make KMail and KNode use a SOCKS proxy, by using proxychains or other similar tools like tsocks or socksify. Assuming that proxychains is correctly installed and configured, all you need to do is to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and type:

proxychains kdeinit4

You don't even need to restart KMail/KNode! (You need to type the above command every time you start a new KDE session though).