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KOrganizer 是 Kontact 的日曆和行程安排組件, Kontact 是來自 KDE 的整合個人信息管理套件. |
- 支持多種日曆和 todo 列表。 Korganizer 可以無縫的合併多個文件或其他日曆格式來源(比如說web 日曆)的日曆數據。它們可以方便的從圖形用戶界面上激活(activated)、停用(deactivated)、添加、刪除。
- Kontact 整合。 KOrganizer 完整的整合進 Kontact。在Kontact 裡操作,會有些額外的特性像是通過拖拽把郵件轉換成事件或todos。
- Storage model. KOrganizer has a persistant calendar. The user doesn't have to take care of loading or saving the calendar. Changes are immediately saved to disk. If the calendar is changed externally it is automatically loaded and updated in the view. A locking mechansim handles concurrent access to the calendar.
- Undo and Redo. KOrganizer supports unlimited undo and redo.
- Todo integration with agenda view. Todos are shown in the week and day views. Todos can be converted to events by dragging from the todo list and dropping on the agenda view.
- Attachements for events and todos. References to web pages, local files or mails can be attached to events and todos. The attached data can easily be accessed by a single click from the event and todo views as well as the summary view or the editors.
- Quick todo entry. A special input field allows to quickly create a todo without needing to open an editor. This is especially handy for creating multiple todos in a row.
- Quick event entry. There are several ways to create events from the agenda view: Per type-ahead events can be created by selecting a time range and then simply starting to type. An editor will be opened and the type text will be go into the title. Optionally the event editor can be opened when the time selection is finished and in addition to the usual menu and toolbar entries there are key bindings and a context menu to start the editor dialog.
- Plugin for Jewish calendar dates. When enabled this plugin shows the Jewish calendar dates for each day in the calendar view.
- Print support. Calendars can be printed using various different styles. Printing also supports colors and overlapping events.
- KMail directly supports transfer of invitations and other calendar attachments to KOrganizer.
KOrganizer provides management of events and tasks, alarm notification, web export, network transparent handling of data, group scheduling, import and export of calendar files and more. It is able to work together with a wide variety of groupware servers, for example Kolab, Open-Xchange, Citadel or OpenGroupware.org.
KOrganizer is fully customizable to your needs and is an integral part of the KDE-PIM suite, which aims to be a complete solution for organizing your personal data. KOrganizer supports the two dominant standards for storing and exchanging calendar data, vCalendar and iCalendar.
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The time of my recurring appointment changes next week - how do I handle that?
While many things about an appointment can be changed, the time is the one thing that can't change for the remainder of a series of appointments (single exceptions are possible). KOrganizer uses the time field as a basic reference, so it would be difficult if not impossible to allow this change to happen.
Instead, then, create an entry for the start of the changed appointment, duplicating the information from the first entry apart from the new time.
A fuller explanation of the problem can be found here