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Revision as of 23:10, 31 August 2010 by André Marcelo Alvarenga (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Category:Sistema/pt-br')


In KDE Software Compilation 4.4 KAddressBook became the first application to use Akonadi. There are inevitable glitches in early stages of migration, and the Troubleshooting page will help solve them. For a brief description of the purpose of Akonadi, see this Glossary entry. You will also find useful links to further reading. Once the inevitable teething troubles are over Akonadi will provide a power-house usable by many applications.

A página KAddressBook lhe ajudará a conseguir com que o seu novo estilo de livro de endereços funcione corretamente com o KMail.

Entendendo a estrutura

You can, of course, simply use Kontact to manage all your address book, but if you have a backup system in place, for instance, you'll want to know where your data is, and how it's handled. The page Akonadi and AddressBook will help.

Troubleshooting Tips and Common Problems

If you have any problems with getting Akonadi working please visit the Troubleshooting page.

For help getting address books recognised, please see KAddressBook.