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Impostazioni di sistema/Localizzazione/Come installare e applicare una traduzione all'interfaccia

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Revision as of 16:49, 3 July 2011 by Caig (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Come installare ed applicare all'interfaccia una traduzione

Tutte le moderne distribuzioni propongono di installare la giusta localizzazione durante l'installazione della distribuzione. Se per qualche ragione manca la tua localizzazione, qui trovi istruzioni passo-passo su come installarla ed applicarla.

Installazione del pacchetto linguistico

Dovresti per prima cosa installare il pacchetto linguistico per la tua distribuzione. Il metodo di installazione dipende dalla distribuzione. Qui descriviamo i passaggi per alcuni dei più comuni strumenti grafici.

KPackageKit (Apper)

This tool is a frontend to PackageKit and used by Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu. New version of KPackageKit is named Apper. Ubuntu will switch to Muon from version 11.10.

Start KPackageKit from application launcher or just press Alt + F2 and type


then press Enter.

Starting KPackageKit with KRunner.



in search field and press Enter. Choose the appropriate language pack from the list below.

Selected language pack in KPackageKit window.

Click Install then Apply. KPackageKit will ask you to install an additional package.

KPackageKit query to install additional package.

Click Continue.

KPackageKit is installing the packages.

When installation is finished close KPackageKit window.


Frontend for urpmi. Used in Mageia and Mandriva.

Start drakrpm from Control Center or just press Alt + F2 and type


then press Enter.

Starting drakrpm with KRunner.



in search field and press Enter. Choose the appropriate language pack from the list below.

Chosen language pack in drakrpm window.

Click Apply. drakrpm will ask you to install an additional package. Click OK.

When installation is finished close drakrpm window.

Applying Language

Start System Settings from application launcher.

Selected System Settings item in Kickoff Favorites list.

Choose Locale from the list.

Selected Locale item in System Settings window.

Choose your country from the list on Country tab. Click Apply.

Country selection.

Go to the Language tab. Select your language on the left pane and push to add it to the Preferred Languages list.

Language selection.

Press Apply. Log off then log on to apply the changes. For the detailed instructions please visit this page. That's all.