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A xanela do Amarok

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A xanela do Amarok

A xanela do Amarok está deseñada para permitirlle volver descubrir a súa música. Iso significa que fornece toda a información posíbel sobre a súa música. Moitos usuarios están a gusto coa disposición predeterminada, pero pode personalizarse completamente.

Default layout of the Amarok window

Upon installation, Amarok will look like this:

Amarok 2.5, newly installed

The Amarok window has four main parts:

  1. under the top-level menus is the Toolbar which lies above three panes:
  2. your Media Sources (music collection and other media) in the left pane,
  3. the Context pane in the center, and
  4. the Playlist in the right-hand pane.

Using the Amarok window to manage and play your music

Playing music using Amarok usually takes two steps:

  1. Create a playlist by selecting some of the tracks in your collection, which you will find listed in the Media Sources pane, and send your music to the Playlist pane.
  2. Play the music in your playlist, using the Playlist pane and/or the Toolbar.

Also, you may want to transfer some of your music to a mobile music player, such as an iPod. The next sections will explain how.

[[Category: Son e vídeo/gl ]]