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Concepts/OpenPGP Help Spread

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Current situation

Quite few people use cryptography in their private communication. This has been the case for decades and not even Edward Snowden's disclosures about NSA and GCHQ have been able to change this – despite the broad availability of CryptoParties in some countries. This is not a problem of information availability but a problem of user interest and social pressure.

What is necessary

The usage of cryptography for private communication will probably seriously increase only if public presence of this subject at a certain level can be created and sustained over a long time (i.e. years). If users see messages like "We support email encryption" and "Here you can find information about how to use email encryption" in more and more places then many of them should stop regarding this as some geek technology without any relevance to them and start believing this is something "normal", something which many people have at least some knowledge about.

We need your help

The group with the highest interest in the propagation of cryptography is the current users of cryptography. The media and the economy have better means for spreading it but they will not do that in the near future. Thus we need the help of everyone who is already using crypto tools. Of course, even people who do not use it yet but are planning to do so are welcome, too. Please have a look at the following suggestions and think about it which of them you can act on.


In order to maximize the effect you have to spread the messages together with links. Thus you first have to decide which web pages you want to promote. There are different groups of web pages about the subject:

  • pages with information for beginners (the concepts, which software you need, how to install it, how to create and publish keys and so on)
  • pages of teaching events (e.g. CryptoParties)
  • pages of people or associations who support the propagation of cryptography (by developing FOSS tools or by promoting it somehow)

All these groups are worth more attention. Pages we can easily recommend to you are the concept information pages on this site (OpenPGP For Beginners) and [official CryptoParty site] (if there are CryptoParty events in your area).


Web sites
