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KDE Partition Manager

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 20:36, 4 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
Main Window
Håndtering af lagerenheder, partitioner og filsystemer på din computer.


KDE Partition Manager er et program, som hjælper dig med at håndtere lagerenheder, partitioner og filsystemer på din computer.

Den lader dig let skabe nye partitioner på en enhed, skabe filsystemer på nye eller eksisterende partitioner, kopiere eller slette partitioner og ændre størrelsen af en partition uden at miste data på den.

User Interface

Besides the main view showing the currently selected device in a graphical and a tree view, KDE Partition Manager uses Qt's "dock widgets" (or "panels") to display some information and allow selections. See the screen shot at the top of this page for an overview.

External Dependencies

To get its job done efficiently KDE Partition Manager makes use of external tools to support a long list of file systems. You will probably have the required tools for the file systems on your computer installed already if you use a mainstream Linux distribution.

The KDE Partition Manager handbook has all the details which external package is required for what.