Plasma 4.5 動畫教學

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< Plasma‎ | HowTo
Revision as of 13:34, 26 October 2010 by Qiii2006 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* 添加圖示元件到桌面上 * [[Media:Plasma_howto-icon-panel-45.gif | 添加圖示元件到面板上]...")

Template:Info (zh TW)

Plasma 工作空間(The Plasma Workspace) 是 KDE SC 4.x 中一個關鍵技術(被譽為「KDE 的支柱」),是使用者最直觀的東西。 由於 Plasma 使用者介面操作不同於傳統桌面的方式,可能會有關於 Plasma 桌面是什麼、它做些什麼、以及如何進行一般任務的疑惑。

這份文件的目的是展示在 Plasma 桌面裡如何進行一般任務。每個 HowTo 由一個主題和一段短動畫組成,點擊鏈接即可觀看動畫。

動畫錄製成 GIF 格式,在大多數網頁瀏覽器裡不需要安裝額外的外掛程式就能觀看。請注意,動畫是循環播放的。

Template:Note (zh TW) Template:Note (zh TW)










Further information

For reuse

To link to an animation from another UserBase article, a thumbnail can be posted. Here's an example:

How to unlock your widgets

The code to do that is

|align="center"|How to unlock your widgets

The animations can also be used outside of UserBase. The BBCode (used in most forums) to post a linked thumbnail is:


Replace GIF with the URL to the GIF file. The corresponding HTML code is:

<a href="GIF"><img src="" /></a>

A description of how to record animated GIF files can be found here. Do you want to help out with making animations? See the Talk page to find out how!

  1. 空白的操作像其他面板元件一樣,此外它還能夠拉伸
  2. 需要文件夾視圖元件
  3. 需要文件夾視圖的桌面類型,參考切換到傳統桌面
  4. 需要快速啟動元件
  5. See How can I change the height and the size of the panel? for more information.
  6. The list shows different desktop types, "Desktop" is a default desktop
  7. Requires Nepomuk Semantic Desktop enabled ("Desktop Search" in System Settings)