Kopete Jabber 协议
< Kopete
这份指南是教大家怎么在 Kopete 中用 Jabber 协议(或者叫 XMPP,一样的意思)来跟你好友 聊天。

Follow the steps in the listed tutorial pages to setup a working jabber client:
- Page 1: About Jabber/XMPP
- A short summary how Jabber works and introduction to the tutorial.
- Page 2: First steps
- Where to get Kopete from and how to install it.
- Page 3: Create your Jabber account
- How to create a Jabber account on a jabber server using Kopete.
- Page 4: Fill in your account data in Kopete
- Explanation of configuring Kopete to use your account.
- Page 5: Adding friends
- How to add and authenticate your contacts.
- Page 6: Messaging and sending files
- How to do messaging with Kopete and an explanation of how to send files through Jabber. Groupchat is also explained.
- Page 7: Useful configuration hints
- Explanation of useful settings that can be made in Kopete and how to use a couple of plugins, especially OTR.
- Page 8: More info on Kopete
- How to report bugs, get more help etc.
- Kopete/Jabber/zh-cn
- Page 1 - About Jabber/XMPP →