Plasma-調整 Plasma

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 07:36, 23 January 2011 by Qiii2006 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*右擊桌面 *按下<menuchoice>新增面板</menuchoice> *按下面板上的<menuchoice>腰果</menuchoice> *按住<menuchoice>螢幕邊緣</menuchoice>拖拽面板到螢幕的...")

類似 Windows Vista 帶時鐘和新聞的邊欄

再次證明 Windows 能做的,KDE 軟體一樣可以……


  • 右擊桌面
  • 按下新增面板
  • 按下面板上的腰果
  • 按住螢幕邊緣拖拽面板到螢幕的一側
  • 設定想要的高度和寬度。但要使得面板夠寬,以顯示放置的元件

Add widgets

  • Still in the panel click Add widgets
  • Add the Analog Clock widget and the News or RSSNow widget

Hide the panel

  • Click on More settings
  • Click on the Auto-hide option

You're done!


Using Multiple Plasma Themes

The Plasma workspace allows users to create customized themes whose widgets can be themed using multiple themes. For example, it is possible to have the Taskbar be themed using Oxygen, to have the clock be themed using Aya, and much more customization, allowing you to pick the best plasma themes for each object.

Set up "(Customized)" Theme

Navigate to the Desktop Theme Details configuration dialog via either Krunner or the System Settings Dialog:

Here you can choose what theme is used for different objects in the Plasma workspace. Configure them to your pleasure (it often helps to test each individual plasma element by applying the entire theme to your desktop first) and press Apply.

Apply "(Customized)" Theme

At this point, the workspace settings dialog should list a Plasma theme entitled (Customized). This is the theme mashup that you have created. Select it and hit Apply.