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Revision as of 15:12, 12 July 2011 by Fredtantini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Info|1=L'auteur n'a pas de périphérique Bluetooth et vous demande d'ajouter des informations d'après votre expérience}}")
Intégrer vos périphériques Bluetooth avec vos espaces de travail Plasma
L'auteur n'a pas de périphérique Bluetooth et vous demande d'ajouter des informations d'après votre expérience


  • Bluedevil connects your Bluetooth devices to Plasma workspaces
  • Performs file actions on your Bluetooth devices as though they were local directories
  • Has a System Settings module to aid configuration
  • Allows sending of files from a terminal or from your favourite browser
The new one-step connection screen

Sending files through a terminal

Now you can send from Konqueror!

Or maybe you prefer Dolphin?

You can get more information from the developer's blog (April 2011) and a video about the new systray menu is available from this nultimedia file