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Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar

KDE Plasma 桌面

這是基本的KDE Plasma桌面。這些都是能在基本的 KDE SC 4安裝中找到的一般程式。他們提供核心的KDE環境功能。這些 KDE 程式允許使用者方便和靈活的操作、管理、控制他們的桌面和程式。


The KDE platform's reliable and flexible window manager, now with 3D effects.
The KDE desktop shell and workspace, providing both the desktop and the panel.
An easy to use file manager.
A file manager, web browser and universal file viewer.
System Settings
The new control center for KDE platforms.
A simple text editor.
Kickoff is the default application launcher in KDE SC 4.
Lancelot is a powerful application launcher for KDE SC 4 which also allows launch menus to be placed on the panel.
KRunner includes the functionality of "power launchers" like Katapult as well as desktop search and even a calculator.
A tabbed terminal emulator allowing the use of several shells or profiles.

The Pillars of a KDE Platform

There are other parts of the KDE platform that work "under the hood" to give you the best desktop experience. You might be interested in knowing about them.

  • Oxygen gives your desktop a refreshing and breath-taking visual appearance.
  • Phonon brings the magic of sound and video into your desktop.
  • Solid helps make your hardware just work.
  • Nepomuk attaches meaning and order to your files.
  • Strigi makes sure you never misplace a file again.

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