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Uvod u KDE

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 10:43, 15 July 2011 by MirzaD (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Idemo! ==")


Dobrodošli u KDE zajednicu i UserBase wiki. Bilo da ste potpuno novi korisnik KDE programa, ili ih koristite već duže vrijeme, ova stranica će vam zasigurno pomoći da naučite više o KDE zajednici i KDE programima. Za početak nešto da vam otvori apetit!

Ispod je primjer KDE desktopa. Uzmite u obzir da ovisno o vašoj verziji i distribuciji koju koristite. Kao primjer ispod je prikazan screenshot desktopa iz 4.x serije, koristeći zadnju verzije KDE softverske kompilacije:

Možete pogledati jos slika trenutnog kao i prethodnih izdanja na stranici Screenshots


Now that we've got your attention, it's time to get to know KDE, up close and personal.

  • What is KDE? - Get to know what KDE is (and some other interesting things)
  • Quick Start - Whether you are just beginning to find your way around, or ready to contribute, this is your springboard
  • Glossary - Let's talk the KDE talk
  • Live CDs - Try out KDE software, without installing!
  • All about Plasma - Tame that funky, shiny new beast on your desktop
  • Getting Help - How and where to find help