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Kexi/Håndbog/Byg en enkel database/Skriv data ind i tabeller

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 10:30, 15 April 2012 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Skriv data ind i tabeller

Du har desigent de to tabeller Personer og Telefonnumre. Ingen af dem indeholder nogle data endnu. Du kan skrive noget ind, og i dette kapitel lærer du hvordan du gør det hurtigt og effeftivt.

Start med tabellen Personer. Åbn den i datavisning ved at højreklikke på projektet i feltet Projektnavigator og vælge Åbn fra kontekstmenuen eller vælg tabellen og klik på knappen Åbn i værktøjslinjen. Den aktuelle celle er fremhævet med en anden farve. Den aktuelle række, dvs. den aktuelle celles række er markeret med et pilesymbol i venstre side.

Du kan navigere igennem tabellens celler ved brug af piletasterne, PgDn, PgUp, Home og End. Du kan også klikke i et felt for at vælge det.

Initially, after opening the table Persons, the cursor is placed in the id column. The column has autonumber property defined, marked with blue (autonumber) text in the last row. It means you do not have to enter values there by hand when entering data for a new row because the cell will be filled automatically with successive numbers.

Inserting new rows and entering data for them in Kexi is different from the way of doing this in spreadsheets. To enter data for a new row, you need to use the arrow keys or mouse, to move your cursor to the special empty last row marked with a plus sign. Place your cursor in the (second) name column and enter a person's name. Also enter surname, street, house number and city. When done, move the cell cursor to the last empty row either by using the Down key or by clicking in the last row with the mouse to append a new row.

Details About Actions Available While Entering Data Into Tables

  • As soon as you enter the first character, the current row is being edited. A pencil symbol appears on the left side of the data table.
  • Double clicking a cell with the left mouse button or pressing Enter or the F2 key also starts editing of the current row.
  • Pressing the Esc key when the contents of a cell is edited cancels changes made to this cell. However, the pencil symbol will not disappear because you can still move to a different cell of the edited row to change its contents. To cancel changes made to the entire edited row, press the Esc key again.
  • Instead of pressing the Esc key, you can click the Cancel Record Changes toolbar button.
  • Press the Shift + Enter keys to accept changes made to all cells in the currently edited row.

Fill the Phones table with data. In the persons column you need to provide a number of the person existing in the Persons table.