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Systemindstillinger/Dato og tid

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Revision as of 17:21, 15 September 2012 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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Setting the system date and time

In this configuration dialog you can set the system time and date. Because it is a system wide setting, you will be asked for the root password for any changes to take effect. In the Date and Time tab, you can check the Set date and time automatically option and choose a public time server from the Time server dropdown list. In this case your date and time will be set automatically. This requires an internet connection.

You can also set the date and time manually by deselecting the Set date and time automatically option. You then either select the date from the calendar or enter it in the text field below the calendar. You set the time by clicking on the part (hour, minute, or second) that you want to change in the field below the clock, and then either change the value using the arrows or simply type the proper value.

In the Time Zone tab, you can select the local time zone. Simply select the proper area from the list. You can write part of the name of the area, region, or comment in the text field above the list to restrict the number of choices.