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Revision as of 06:59, 1 April 2013 by Timloo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Warning|1=The <code>titles/</code> 字幕目錄是已儲存的 <tt>.kdenlivetitle</tt> 字幕檔的預設目錄.刪檔案之前,請您先確定你沒有在那兒存放重...")


  • Project profile vs. Render profile: What is the difference, how to chose correctly?


  1. 專案樹結構
  2. 專案檔明細說明
  3. 專案設定
  4. 專有名詞解說
  5. 壓縮專案
  6. 備份
  7. 素材
  8. 匯入
  9. 管理


快速開工裏已經提到過這個主題, 我們建議每一個專案用自己的目錄,不要多專案共用同一目錄. Kdenlive 將產生以下的目錄做為專案的暫存(快取):

  • thumbs/ 放所有使用過的素材的縮小圖
  • titles/ 預設的位置來放 字幕 ,存於專案檔之外

此目錄如果沒在用到可以刪除(例如:節省硬碟空間). Kdenlive 在您下次載入專案時會再次新增備分目錄。


The titles/ 字幕目錄是已儲存的 .kdenlivetitle 字幕檔的預設目錄.刪檔案之前,請您先確定你沒有在那兒存放重要的檔案。

Source clips can be located anywhere. Still, here are some thoughts about their location:

  • Material (images, clips, audio) that is used for one project only can be put into a subdirectory of the project folder as well. This keeps all important files together, and searching for the files takes less time.
  • Material that is used by multiple projects are convenient when kept together. I’ve got a video collection the same way that I have a photo collection.