L'espace de travail Plasma est l'une des technologies clés de KDE, et l'une des plus remarquables pour les utilisateurs. Étant donné que le bureau Plasma traite différemment l'interface utilisateur qu'un bureau traditionnel, il peut y avoir quelques confusions concernant ce qu'est exactement le bureau Plasma, ce qu'il est capable d'offrir et de faire, ainsi que sa façon d'effectuer les tâches courantes.
Ce document tente de résoudre ces problèmes en apportant des réponses aux questions les plus courantes.
Que fait plasma ?
Plasma est l'espace de travail par défaut (interface de bureau) pour KDE. Il comprend un lanceur d'applications (menu Démarrer), le bureau et le panneau du bureau (souvent simplement appelé barre des tâches). Cependant, Plasma est plus que cette collection familière d'utilitaires, c'est un cadre commun pour créer des interfaces intégrées. Il est suffisamment flexible pour fournir des interfaces pour les appareils mobiles (téléphones et netbooks), les centres multimédias et les ordinateurs de bureau ; afin de prendre en charge la métaphore traditionnelle du bureau ainsi que les designs qui n'ont pas encore été imaginés.
How does Plasma work?
Plasma's main components are widgets called plasmoids or widgets. Widgets can take on a variety of functions, ranging from displaying your desktop and associated wallpaper, showing your laptop's battery level, displaying your plugged in devices, and drawing the taskbar: basically, they are small applications that live on the desktop. Additionally, widgets can be grouped together in "containers", like the panel, a "grouping plasmoid," the system and even the desktop itself.
What is Folder View
The default desktop in Plasma 5.10. Folder View is a desktop showing items from a chosen folder. Click on an item to open it. Hover over a folder and click the arrow pointing up to show the folder on the desktop. Folder View can also show a folder, but only the files matching a certain regex expression.
What is the Folder View widget?
Folder View is also a widget with identical behavior to the Folder View desktop, except it has a visible background and borders like other widgets.
What is KRunner?
KRunner is a versatile mini-command line you can activate by pushing Alt + Space or by selecting from the desktop contextual menu. It can search for applications, bookmarks, even sessions basing on your input, show system activity and even do simple arithmetic calculations. It can even replace your menu. KRunner's functionality can be extended through the use of plugins ("runners").
What are the "cashews" and "burgers?"
What is commonly referred as "cashew" or "burger" is the Plasma toolbox, the logo you can find on the default desktop, on the panel, on the right hand side (left hand side if you use a Right-To-Left language). By clicking on them, you can access other configuration options. It does not appear if widgets are locked
Whether you like a clean, mean desktop, the Plasma Netbook interface, or a more traditional one, you'll find lots of help on this Configuration page
See the Glossary page.
A page of Screencasts will help you understand Plasma.
- Everyone who contributed to the KDE 4.4 FAQ
- Ivan Stanton, who is working to make the KDE docs good.